Invoice Print (ARP110)

Using Reports

Use this program to print, and if necessary, reprint invoices and credit memos entered through the Invoice Entry program.

You have the option to:

Print an alignment check (or a test check).

Print all invoice documents not yet printed.

Reprint selected invoice documents.

Select branch to print.

Flags set in the Invoice Processing Control F/M determine whether or not invoices can be printed and on what type of form. After the system prints invoices, it updates and runs the Sales Register.

Ü To print an alignment, select Print Options-->Print Alignment from the menu bar.

Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->Invoice Processing-->Invoice Print.

To print invoices:

1. Enter whether documents are to be Printed or Reprinted. The program defaults to Printed.

2. Enter the branch number to print. The entry must be valid in the system. Press F1 or image\all_shg.gif to default to ALL. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

3. Enter the invoice number or numbers to print or reprint. Press F1 or image\all_shg.gif to default to ALL. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search. Press F3 or image\backup_shg.gif to delete the document in the previous cell.

See Also

Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails