Recurring Invoice Entry (ARE130)

Header entry
Line item entry
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How To

Use this program to enter and maintain invoices posted to the invoice entry file on a periodic basis (monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.).

You can set up standard monthly invoices such as rental agreements or periodic entries such as service or maintenance contracts. This relieves the burden of the entry each period. The program may also be used to change header or line-item information for existing documents. The Recurring Invoice Entry screen consists of two sections. The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where the customer number, salesperson, etc. is entered. The lower portion is called the line-item portion where each item, price, etc. is entered.

The system reads the salesperson’s commission % and recalculates the invoice’s commission % each time the header information is modified. Refer to the Calculating Commissions topic for processing details.

After recurring invoices are entered, the amount may be changed in the entry program. A list may be printed at any time through the Recurring Invoice Listing. The invoice will be posted to the invoice entry file when the Post Recurring Invoices program is run. It will then be treated like any other invoice in the invoice entry system and will be posted to the open documents file when the Sales Register is run.

After posting the recurring invoices, the customer's balance and open documents are updated along with the General Ledger in the update following the Sales Register print.

Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->Invoice Processing-->Recurring Invoices-->Recurring Invoice Entry.

Recurring Invoice Header Fields:

1. Customer

Enter the customer number where the invoice is to be sent for payment. Press F2 to perform a customer search. Refer to the Customer Search topic for details about searching for customers.

F3 to perform a document search of recurring documents already on file.

The screen displays the customer number, price level (if price levels are used), name and address, salesperson/territory, terms code, branch and department (if used). At the bottom of the screen, the customer's balance, credit limit, last sale date, phone number, contact and message appear. The system performs the credit check on the customer. Press Enter (CR) to default to the customer of the last invoice entered.

2. Seq

Enter the sequence number (00-99). This enables you to enter up to 99 different recurring invoices per customer. For example, if there are two recurring documents for the same customer, you can set up a service contract as sequence 01 and a rental agreement as sequence 02. Each time you refer to an invoice, you can use the sequence number. Press Enter (CR) to default to 01. If you enter a sequence number for this customer that already exists, the program displays all the information about this recurring invoice and advances to the prompt-selection field.

3. Ship-To

Enter the ship-to number of where the merchandise is shipped. The number entered must be a valid ship-to number for this customer. This displays the ship-to number, name, address and salesperson/territory. Press Enter (CR) to default to the assigned ship-to number, (i.e., normal ship-to in the customer file). SAME assigns the customer name and address. Press F2 to search through the ship-to file. After clearing the line-item portion of the screen, this program displays the ship-to numbers, names and addresses. This feature is useful in finding the ship-to numbers and addresses when only the customer number is known.

4. Post Day

Enter post day, which is the day the invoice should post to the invoice entry file (01-31). This is used to determine when to post this invoice and which day of the month to use for the invoice date. For example, if this were set to 15 and the invoices were posted for February, the invoice date would be posted as February 15. The terms code automatically determines the due date, discount amount and discount due date. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 31.

5. Cutoff Type

Enter the type of cutoff you want to use. Your options are Date, Number of invoices, or Amount. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to D. Cutoff indicates when the system should stop generating the invoice.

6. Cutoff

Enter the cutoff. The cutoff type you chose in the previous field determines what kind of information you need to enter in this field. If you chose:

N - Number of postings, enter the cutoff number of postings (2-99).

D - Date - Enter the cutoff month and year (MMYY).

A - Amount - Enter the amount (0-9999999.99). If the amount is surpassed in the next posting, the invoice will not post.

7. Salesperson/Territory

Enter the salesperson/territory code for this ship-to customer number to indicate who sold the contract, service agreement or recurring merchandise. The entry must be a valid salesperson/territory. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed, initially the salesperson/territory code assigned to the ship-to number. Press F2 to search. Press F3 to automatically set fields #7-10 to their respective default values.

8. Terms

Enter the payment terms code to indicate type of payment, discounts and due dates. The entry must be a valid terms code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed, initially the terms code assigned to the customer number. Press F2 to search. Press F3 to automatically set fields #8-10 to their respective default values.

9. Branch

Enter the branch to which this document is tied. The entry must be a valid branch. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed, initially the branch assigned to the customer number. Press F2 to search. Press F3 to automatically set fields #9-10 to their respective default values.

10. Dept

Enter the GL department number, if you use departments. The entry must be a valid department number. Press Enter (CR) to default to the department number assigned to the terminal. Press F2 to search. If departments are not used, this field is skipped.

11. Months

Enter a string of numbers designating the months of the calendar year to post this invoice to (2 characters for each month). For example, if it is a yearly invoice and only posts in December, enter 12. If this invoice is to post quarterly, enter 03060912. Press Enter (CR) to default to ALL and displays every month of the calendar year.

12. Ref #

Enter the customer reference number if applicable, i.e., customer’s PO number, contact name, salesperson name. You can enter up to 15 characters. If the PO required flag in this customer's record is switched on, this field becomes mandatory.

This concludes the header portion of the Recurring Invoice Entry program. After the header record is created, all header fields except #1-2 are accessible through the change header routine. Fields #1-2 can only be changed by deleting and re-entering the invoice.

Recurring Invoice Line Item Fields:

The line-item portion of the program allows entry of up to 999 line-items and memo lines to complete the invoice.

Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and incrementing by one for each additional line-item up to 999. In the rare case where 999 line-items have been entered on a single invoice, the program advances to the prompt-selection field and refuses further entries.

13. Item

Enter an item number to be invoiced (up to 20 characters). This field may also be used as the number of items sold if there is no item number. You can create a message line by entering M as the item number. The program assumes a memo line is to be entered and advances to the description field. F3 advances to the prompt-selection field. F4 removes the line and backs up to the previous line number.

14. Description

Enter the item description or memo (up to 30 characters). Memo lines skip the remaining fields of the line-item portion.

15. Cost

If the Enter cost flag in the Invoice Processing Control F/M, is selected, enter the item’s cost of the item (0-9999999.99). If the item number is used as the quantity, be sure to include the cost of all the items in this particular line number.

16. Price

Enter the price of the item (0-9999999.99). If the item number is used as the quantity, be sure to include the price of all items in the particular line number.

17. Charge Tax

If the Charge tax control in the Invoice Processing Control F/M, is set to Y, the system charges tax automatically. If not, the system skips this field and charges no tax. If the flag is Line by line or Override enter Y or N to determine whether tax should be charged on the line-item. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y.

This concludes the entry in the line-item portion of the Recurring Invoice Entry program. The running total is updated and displayed in the header. The line number is incremented by one, displayed, and the program returns to the item field for the next line-item entry.

Press F3 to end entries of line-items and go to the prompt-selection field where you can perform a number of functions.

# - Changes a line-item

L - Lists line-items

A - Adds a line-item

D - Deletes the invoice

F2 - Changes header

F3 - Accesses the ending routine

Recurring Invoice Footer Fields:

The ending routine consists of the final fields prior to completion of the invoice. The ending routine is not accessible if no line-items have been entered. Ending routine information is displayed in the bottom portion of the screen and a new total is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The new total is initially equal to the invoice amount total (merchandise amount) but is redisplayed whenever an adjustment (invoice discount, tax, freight) is made in the ending routine. At the end of the ending routine, the new total represents the total amount of the invoice.

18. Memo

Enter a memo up to 50 characters long. Tip: Standard memos can be entered in the Invoice Processing Control F/M. The memo may include special instructions, goodwill messages, etc. and prints on the bottom of the invoice. Press Enter (CR) to default to the displayed value, initially the standard memo. If no memo is needed, you can press the space bar before pressing CR.

19. Percent/Amount Discount

If the Discount flag in the Invoice Processing Control F/M is selected, you can enter a discount for this customer on the invoice total (merchandise amount) or a dollar amount subtracted from the merchandise total. If the flag is not selected, the system will not let you enter a discount.


Enter the discount percent (maximum of 100) of the merchandise total. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. The dollar amount is calculated and displayed automatically.

Dollar amount

Enter the dollar discount (maximum equals merchandise total). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. The percentage of discount is calculated and displayed automatically.

20. Freight

If the Charge freight flag in the Invoice Processing Control F/M is set to N, the system will not let you enter freight on the invoice. If the flag is selected, enter the freight amount (0-9999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.

21. Tax

If the Charge tax flag in the Invoice Processing Control F/M is set to N, the system will not charge tax. If the flag is selected, enter the tax code for this ship-to customer. The entry must be a valid tax code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the currently displayed value, initially the customer's ship-to tax code. The sum total of all taxes (state, county, city) is calculated and displayed.

After entering the tax code, you can back up to the following by pressing F4:

If the charge tax flag in the invoice processing control record is set to Y, enter whether the tax rate is H-high, L-low or X-exempt. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the customer's ship-to tax code rate. F4 backs up to the tax code field.

If the Charge tax flag in the invoice processing control record is set to O, enter the tax amount (+/-99999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to the calculated tax amount. F4 backs up to the tax rate field.

This concludes the ending routine of the Recurring Invoice Entry program. Upon completion of the update, the screen is cleared of field information and the program returns to the customer number field to await further entries.

See Also

How to enter recurring invoice header information

How to enter recurring invoice line items

How to enter recurring invoice footer information