Displays paid document history. Information displayed includes; document number, reference number, ship-to number, original amount, original discount amount, entry period, entry register number and removal register number.
The documents initially appear in document number order.
Changing document search order:
Click on the Reference# column header to resort open documents by reference number. You may need to use the horizontal scroll bar to get to this column. Click on the Document column header to resort by document. (You can also click on any other column header to resort open documents.) Click on Date to resort by descending document order (the default sort order).
Getting more information on a paid document:
In the view area, you can select the line and choose the View Invoice button to access the SO Document Inquiry screen in Past Invoice mode or the AR Detail button to display the current transaction history window.
The Past Invoice window allows you to see the line items billed out on the invoice.
The Current AR transaction history window displays payment information for the invoice. Detail information on an open consists of the following: document number, type, branch (if used), register, memo, entry date, period, due date, discount due date, original amount and discount, current amount and discount. Also displayed are the transactions that have taken place against the document including date, period, register number, payment, discount adjustment and memo.
GL Posting Details
The AR Detail screen from the Open docs and Paid Doc History views contains the GL Posting button, which is enabled when the transaction highlighted in the browser is one that allows for drill back from the source document to the GL posting that was created by the register. If the GL posting records can be found, then the inquiry will display defaulting to showing transactions for this document only.
The Check History button on the Open Doc and Paid Doc History views allows you to view the check that created Debit Memos and OA transactions.
Access to SO Doc Inquiry (in Past Invoice Mode) is available for documents that have been created through the following processes:
Create an order created through various methods in the Order Entry suite. Confirm the order; the system creates an invoice (document number), and print. When you run the Daily Sales Register, the system creates an AROPEN record for that document. At this point, the document can be seen in the Open Docs view of AR Customer Inquiry. The AROPEN record contains the SO document number if a document exists. If the AROPEN record for the document contains an SO document number, access to SO Doc Inquiry from this view is possible.
Make a payment on the invoice either in SO payment entry or AR Cash Receipts & Adj Entry. If the document has been paid completely and you run the Cash Receipts & Adjustment Register, the system creates a ARPDOC record for that document. The ARPDOC record contains the SO document number. Now the document can be seen in the Paid Docs History view of AR Customer Inquiry. If the ARPDOC record for the document contains an SO document number, access to SO Doc Inquiry from this view is possible.
Limitations: Open (AROPEN) or past documents entered in ARE110 and created from AR Invoicing or past invoices not present in the invoice history file (ARPDOC) do not have the ability to drill into the SO Document Inquiry. The View Invoice button is disabled for those documents. If your system does not store Past Invoices in SO Static F/M, the View Invoice l button does not display on the screen.