FACTS Report Designer

Use the FACTS Report Designer to create Custom Report Layouts. You can customize each report layout in many ways:

Once you create your own layout, you can name the layout and save it for easy access in the future. The layout can be a Personal or System layout and if desired, can be set as a user’s default layout. Report templates will indicate which layout you prefer.

To access this screen press the Layout button on the Customize Report (SMR999.U) screen. The system displays the report name, report format and tier at the top of the screen as the default.

You can:

Drag and drop fields—you can rearrange the fields in each tier.

Hide fields—you can suppress fields from the report by right clicking on the field and clicking Hide.

Add fields—you can add fields by right clicking on a blank area and choosing the Select Field to Place Here option. The system displays the Place Information Field Search screen where you can choose a field to add to the report:

Note: Most fields from the files that relate to the report will be available. For instance, the Customer Report can be modified to add almost any Customer File or Ship-To field.

Edit fields —you can edit fields by right clicking on the field and choosing Edit to display the Edit Field Attributes screen.