Use the Convert Quote Lines program to convert a quote to a contract or sales order.
Processing Notes
For Contracts: If all lines on the contract have been converted to a sales order or to a contract then that option (either sales order or contract) will not be available in the drop down box. If all lines have been converted to both, then the conversion window will not display. If the SO Static Use Contracts check box is not selected then the conversion window will remain unchanged. If a contract has been created from a line on the quote and there are no conflicts with other lines and no conflicts with the contract’s settings since the contract was created (for example the contract is still active and not expired) then a prompt will appear allowing the user to merge any quotes lines being converted now to that existing contract – selecting the check box will add the new line (or lines) to the existing contract, otherwise the quote lines will create a new contract. If the merge check box is selected all other field for contract conversion are disabled and ignored during the conversion. If the user does not have the ability to review contracts then a check box for creating the contract as ‘already reviewed’ will not be available. Such a user will also not be presented the option to copy a quote line to a contract that has already been reviewed. Any contract created by such a user will be created as ‘awaiting review’. The possible description will default to the customer number, name, and the quote number. This can be changed.
Clicking the OK button will process the request. If a contract is created then that contract number will display. If merging lines to a contract then this alert will not show. A tally of lines that were converted will display. If no lines were created then the following will tell the user: (This can happen when selecting to convert only flagged quote lines and no quote lines in fact were flagged.)
1. Convert Quote
Enter N - do not convert and skip to the end of the ending routine, A - convert all line-items to a sale or contract, or F - convert the flagged line-items to a sale or contract. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.
2. To
Indicate whether you are converting the quote to a Contract or a Sales Order.
3. If you selected A or F for the Convert quote to a Sales Order option, complete the following:
Enter Requested Date-- This prompt is only displayed if A or F was entered at Convert Quote to a Sale? Enter the date the merchandise is requested to arrive. Press Enter (CR) to default to the current date that displays ASAP (as soon as possible).
When you convert a quote into a sales order, the system recalculates the cost of each item to the current cost. For items that contain a user-overidden cost, the system recalculates the cost based on a setting on the Quotes tab of the SO Static Control F/M. The setting allows you to indicate whether you want the system to recalculate a user-entered item cost when the quote is imported to a new quote or converted to a sales order.
When you convert a quote that contains inactive items where the ordered quantity is greater than the available quantity, you cannot backorder the inactive item. The system reduces the ordered quantity to the available amount and posts the reduction to lost sales.
Enter Job Number-- This prompt only appears if the quote is being converted to a sale, the Use Job Cost flag in the SO Static Control Record is set to Y, all lines are shipping from the initiating warehouse and the order is not a direct shipment. If you are using job cost, enter a valid job number and cost code. The job number must be for the selected customer (must be active and not on hold) and warehouse. If you enter a job number, all the line-items on the order are posted against the job in the Daily Sales Register (once the work order is confirmed). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to NONE. Once the job number is entered and line-items are entered, the job number may not be changed. Press F2 to search of job numbers.
Enter Freight Method--The Document Freight Method (Q/C) for this customer– this value defaults from AR Customer Maintenance and is modifiable based on the Allow Method Change checkbox on the Invoicing tab of AR Customer Maintenance. Based on the setting, you can select from: Quoted Freight or Calculated Freight.
Enter Quoted Freight--The freight amount from the quote header; you can modify this value.
Note: If the freight method is "Calculated the Quoted Freight field will be blank and disabled. If the Sales Order Static Control F/M setting for default freight in Order Entry is set to "No" (unselected) then the freight in the Sales Orders From Warehouse record will be set to zero. If it is "Yes (selected)", then the freight will be calculated as it currently does and stored in the Sales Orders From Warehouse record.
After you complete this entry, the order number is then displayed. Press Enter (CR) to continue to clear the screen.
Create a suggested PO for the temporary or backordered units?-- This prompt is only displayed if there are temporary items or backordered quantities (including BOM components) on the quote if converting it to a sale. This field is not displayed if the customer is not allowed backorders as set in the AR Customer F/M, if the IC Static Control F/M is set to allow over-commitments or negative on-hand quantities, if this is a direct shipment, or a suggested PO or a transfer has been done for this line-item.
You can select from the following options:
Y Create a suggested PO for this line-item.
N Do not create a suggested PO for this line-item.
4. If you selected A or F for the Convert quote to a Contract option, complete the following:
Enter the contract description.
Effective Date
Enter the effective date of this contract price record. Press
to default to the system date.
Expiration Date
Enter the expiration date of this contract price. Press to
default to None. When running this Remove Contracts program, a cutoff date is entered and expiration dates up to that cutoff are removed. On any date after the expiration date, the contract price is not eligible for the price search program or in the sales order entry programs.
Set Contract as Already Reviewed
This check box will only be available if you have the ability to review contracts and it will default to checked (meaning the contract is not yet reviewed)
Set Priority Contract
Select to indicate this contract is a priority contract
Set convert fixed prices and qty breaks
If the contract is for a specific item and a specific UM, indicate whether the fixed prices and/or quantity break prices for this item and UM should be used as the default to calculate prices for other quantity break and/or fixed price UMs that do not have contract prices set up. For example, a quantity break price is set up for $5.00 EA for a minimum of 10 (10 EA /BX). If on the sales order 1 BX is sold the system would calculate a price of $50.00 BX. Or, a fixed price is set for $1.00 EA , if there are 10 each per box, and a line is entered on a sales order with a UM of ‘boxes’ the system would calculate a price of $10.00 BX.
Set each item pricing comm% to quote line comm %
Select to indicate this contract takes it item pricing commission percent from the quote line.
Make contract specific to customer ship to on quote
Select to indicate this contract is specific to the customer ship to address on the quote.
Make contract valid only for items selling UM on the quote
Select to indicate this contract is valid only for the item selling unit of measure on the quote line.
5. Press Done to exit the screen when you are finished entering with quote conversion.