Use the Account F/M program to enter and maintain GL accounts in FACTS.
Each account record contains the account number, description, alpha sort key, account type, the present balance for the current period and the ending balances for the last 27 fiscal periods. As a safeguard against inadvertent loss of data, you can set the Change/Delete Ending Balances flag in the GL static control record that eliminates the changing and deleting of account balances option.
Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->File Maintenances-->Account F/M.
*. GL Account Number
Enter the GL account number without dashes (the system inserts them automatically). Only numeric characters are accepted. Press F2 or
to search.
2. Description
Enter the account description (up to 30 characters).
3. Alpha Sort
Enter the alphabetic sort key (up to 10 characters).
4. Type
Select the Account Type; you can select from: A-asset, L-liability, C-capital, R-revenue, or E-expense. Press Enter to initially default to A.
5. Summary Management Type
Select the Summary Management Type; you can select from:$-cash, C-cost, I-inventory, P-payables, R-receivables, S-sales or enter a space indicating not used. This type is used to sort account numbers for the Summary Management Inquiry program. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to not used.
6 - 17. Ending Balances
Enter the present ending balance for the current period, the prior period and the ending balances for the past 10 fiscal periods. Enter the balance as a negative (-) if it is a credit balance (example: sales is a credit balance, and telephone is not) and press F2 or click the
Add button.
In the dialog, enter the additional periods to carry the ending balance amount forward and press to edit. Press Enter (CR) in the dialog for 'None", press F2 to carry the ending balance through the current period. Highlight a line in the browser to enter the ending balances for up to 16 additional prior fiscal periods. Enter the balances as a negative (-) if it is a credit balance (example: sales is a credit balance, and telephone is not). F3 ends fields and sets the remaining balances to 0. Press Enter to initially default to 0. If you need to add to the amount displayed for a period, enter the amount to add and press F2 or click the
Add button.
You can press:
Stop to complete the ending balance record entry.
Save to save your changes,
Delete to remove to information in the record,
Done to return to the GL Maintenance menu.
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.