Use this program to remove invoices for jobs in the job cost invoice file.
Since this update does not print a report, it has no audit trail. To audit this program, run the Unbilled Cost Report. It provides a listing of transactions without billing (all the invoices removed). Then recreate the invoices through the Automatic Job Selection program.
1. Order
Enter whether to remove in J-job number, M-manager, C-customer number, or K-job class order. Enter (CR) defaults to J.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Select the beginning order choice to remove.
3. Ending Order Choice
Select the ending order choice to remove.
4. Warehouse
Enter a valid warehouse code from which the jobs were created from. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description. Enter (CR) defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. F3 defaults to ALL.
5. Customer
Enter a valid customer number to which the jobs were sold. Entering a valid customer displays the customer name. Enter (CR) defaults to ALL.
6. Billing Type
Enter whether the billing type the jobs must be to remove are F-fixed contract, C-cost plus, T-time and materials, or N-no charge. Enter (CR) defaults to ALL.
7. Frequency
Enter whether the type of billing frequency the jobs must be to remove are M-bill monthly, C-bill when complete and/or D-bill on demand (whenever there are invoices). Enter (CR) defaults to D.
8. Cost Type
Enter the cost type the transactions must be, in order to remove. Choices are user defined in the Cost Type F/M. Enter (CR) defaults to ALL.
9. Cutoff Date
Enter the transaction cutoff date to unselect through. This is the date of the original posting from the source code module and any transactions with a date prior to or equal to the date entered are removed. Enter (CR) defaults to NONE.