Use this program to view job cost information by job number.
The following views are available in this program:
1. Job Number
Enter the job number of the job to be displayed. Entering a valid job number displays the job name and memo, customer number and name, manager code, job class code, and warehouse code. If the job is on hold, HOLD is displayed just above the job number in the header portion of the screen. CR defaults to the next job. F2 allows a search.
2. Display Code
Enter the following display code to be displayed for this job. If a display code is selected, the entire information display is highlighted. Enter (CR) displays the next job on file and information based on the display code previously selected.
Displays the general information entered for the job in Job Entry. The header information for the job is displayed on top of the detail information and includes: Ship-to number and name, address 1, 2 and 3, contact, phone, job status, ship via, freight, consolidate overhead and burden flag, store job history flag, display cost on invoice flag, and reference number.
The detail portion includes three sections: Contract, Billing, and Actual. These sections are identical to the display in Job Entry. Contract shows: contract number, date of contract, total billing amount (contract amount), revised contract date, revised contract amount, units, and unit of measure. Billing shows: billing type, markup amount or percent (if billing type is cost plus), billing frequency, and the detail order for the invoice print. Actual shows: actual start date, percentage completed, date percentage completed was entered into the system, actual cost amount, and amount billed.
After displaying the information for the selected job, the program returns to the Display Code field.
Displays the codes used for the displayed job in the job cost system. All codes are displayed with the stored description. Codes shown are: warehouse code, job class code, manager code, salesperson/territory code (and commission %), GL posting table, department code (if used), terms code, tax code and rate, estimator code (if job was created from an estimate).
After displaying the information for the selected job, the program returns to the Display Code field.
Displays estimate information stored in the job file. Shown are the estimated start date, finish date, revised date, estimate number (if applicable), estimator code (if applicable), and the estimated cost an billing amounts for each of the cost types. Also displayed is total estimated cost and billing amounts.
After displaying the information for the selected job, the program returns to the Display Code field.
Displays the transaction totals for each user-defined cost type. Totals shown are for month-to-date, and job-to-date. These totals are stored in the job file, and are updated by the Job Posting Register (cost) and the Invoice Register (billing). The total cost and billing amounts for both time periods are calculated and displayed at the bottom of the cost types.
Accessing cost type detail
Select a cost type in the activity view and press Enter (CR). Press F4 to return the Display Code field in the main inquiry screen.
This detail view shows the select cost type broken down by cost code totals. Displayed are the cost code, the units posted, and the cost and billing amounts for both the month-to-date and job-to-date periods.
Accessing cost code detail
Select a cost code in the cost type detail screen and press Enter (CR). In the cost code detail screen, you can enter a cost code to start listing from or press F4 backup to the cost type display.
Cost code detail shows a list of transactions that posted under the cost code for the selected cost type. Shown are the sequence number of the transaction, the posting date, the units and unit of measure, the cost rate and extension, and the billing rate and extension.
Accessing sequence number detail
In the cost code screen, select a sequence number and press Enter (CR). In the sequence number detail screen, you can enter a sequence number to start listing from or press F4 to return to the cost code display.
Sequence number detail displays the source code, the posting memo, the originating document number, and the markup method and amount (if applicable).
Displays the invoices sent to the customer for the displayed job. Shown are: invoice number, invoice date, cost amount, billing amount, freight amount, tax amount, and the invoice total.
After listing invoices, the program returns to the Display Code field.
Displays a listing of all purchase orders on file for the selected job as well as the cost type, cost code, PO number, line number, PO status (Entered, Printed, Received), promised date, vendor number, item number and extended cost.
Accessing line detail:
Select a line number to detail and press Enter (CR). Once the line detail window appears, you can enter a PO number to begin listing from or F4 backup to the Display Code field.
The PO line detail displays the cost type description, cost code description, vendor name, item description, units and the buying unit of measure, and the cost and costing unit of measure.
Displays all notes recorded on this job. If no notes exist for the selected job, the system asks you to Enter notes for this job.
Enter N or Y to indicate whether you want to enter notes for the job selected. The program defaults to N and returns to the main field.
To add notes:
Enter Y at the Enter notes for this job field. The program creates line 010 and increments all subsequent lines by 10. Enter up to 70 characters per line.
Press F3 to exit out of entry mode.
To change line numbers:
While you are on a line, press F4 to back up to the line number. Enter a new line number. Press F2 to choose a new line number increment (1-10). If the increment is set to one, a maximum of 999 lines may be entered. If you press F4 from line #, the program backs up and deletes the previous line.
Press F3 to end.
Once notes have been added, the following options are available:
# Changes line number. Notes may be changed or deleted by entering the line number. Enter C or D to change or delete. If D is entered, the line is deleted. If C is entered, enter text (up to 70 characters) or use the control keys to edit the line (press CTL+? for help). During this change routine, F1 defaults to the currently displayed value of the field. F3 ends entry of lines. F4 backs up to the line number; enter the new line number. If a new line number is added, the old line number is deleted. F2 allows the user to set the line number increment (1-10). F4 backs up to the main field.
L Lists line numbers. A limited number of line-numbers appear on the screen at anytime. The list function allows line-numbers to be redisplayed. The user selects the beginning line number to list.
A Adds a line number. New line numbers may be added as needed. F3 ends entry of lines. F4 backs up to the line number; enter the new line number. F2 allows the user to set the line number increment (1-10). F4 (from line #) backs up and deletes the previous line.
M Moves a line number. Enter beginning line number to move. Enter ending line number to move. Enter line number where text will be moved (existing lines will be replaced). One line at a time or blocks of lines can be moved.
D Deletes a line number. One line or several lines of notes can be deleted at any one time. Enter beginning and ending line numbers to delete. Enter N or YES to delete. Enter (CR) defaults to N.
After displaying information, the program returns to the information display code field to await further entries. F4 backs up to the Job field on the main inquiry screen.