Past Job Inquiry (JCI620)

How To

Use this program to view past job cost information by job number.

The following views are available:


Use the following fields to display past job inquiry information:

1. Job Number

Enter the job number of the job to be displayed. Entering a valid job number displays the job name and memo, customer number and name, manager code, job class code, and warehouse code. Enter (CR) defaults to the next job. F2 allows a search.

2. Display Code

Enter the following display code to be displayed for this job. If a display code is selected, the entire information display is highlighted. Enter (CR) displays the next job on file and information based on the display code previously selected.

Inquiry views


Displays the general information entered for the past job in Job Entry. The header information for the past job is displayed on top of the detail information and includes Ship-to number and name, address 1, 2 and 3, contact, phone, ship via, freight, and reference number.

The detail portion includes three sections: Contract, Billing, and Actual. These sections are identical to the display in Job Entry. Contract shows: contract number, date of contract, total billing amount (contract amount), revised contract date, revised contract amount, units, and unit of measure. Billing shows: billing type, markup amount or percent (if billing type is cost plus), billing frequency, and the detail order for the invoice print. Actual shows: actual start date, percentage completed, date percentage completed was entered into the system, actual cost amount, and amount billed.

After displaying the information for the selected past job, the program returns to the Display Code field.


Displays the codes used for the displayed past job in the job cost system. All codes are displayed with the stored description. Codes shown are warehouse code, job class code, manager code, salesperson/territory code (and commission %), GL posting table, department code (if used), terms code, tax code and rate, estimator code (if past job was created from an estimate).

After displaying the information for the selected past job, the program returns to the Display Code field.


Displays estimate information stored in the past job file. Shown are the estimated start date, finish date, revised date, estimate number (if applicable), estimator code (if applicable), and the estimated cost and billing amounts for each of the cost types. Also displayed is total estimated cost and billing amounts.

After displaying the information for the selected past job, the program returns to the Display Code field.


Displays the transaction totals for each user-defined cost type. Totals shown are job totals stored in the past job file. The total cost and billing amounts for both time periods are calculated and displayed at the bottom of the cost types.

After displaying activity totals, the program returns to the Display Code field.