Job Notes Print (JCR770)

Using Reports

Use this program to print the notes recorded for each job. Job notes are created and maintained through the Job Inquiry program.

Report information includes job number and name and all notes recorded for a job. Each job printed may begin on a new page. The total number of jobs listed is also included.

Use the following fields to print job notes:

1. Order

Select whether to print the report in J-job number, M-manager, C-customer number, or K-job class order. Enter (CR) defaults to J.

2. Beginning Order Choice

Select the beginning order choice to print.

3. Ending Order Choice

Select the ending order choice to print.

4. Warehouse

Enter a valid warehouse code from which the jobs were created from. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description. Enter (CR) defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. F3 defaults to ALL.

5. Customer/Manager

Enter a valid customer number (or manager if customer was selected in field #1) to which the jobs were sold. Entering a valid customer displays the customer name. Enter (CR) defaults to ALL.

6. Status

Enter whether to print jobs which are A-active, C-cost complete and/or B-bill complete. Enter (CR) defaults to ALL.

7. New Page

Enter N or Y to indicate whether to print a new page (start on new page) for each job with notes. Enter (CR) defaults to N.

See Also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options