Job Posting Entry (JCE310)

How To

Use this program to enter Job Posting information into the Job Cost system and to view posting information created in other modules.

The Job Cost Posting File is used to store the costing and billing information for each job. The file holds the information until it is converted to the job cost transaction file and removed in the Job Posting Register.

All posting to jobs is done by period, batch number and source code. The entry program allows you a batch search by period, which displays the source code.

The user is able to enter the job number, the cost code, units, costing and billing rates or extension amounts, and a memo. To aid the user, the posting entry looks the same and acts almost identically no matter what module the user is posting from.

Postings may be corrected and deleted as many times as needed before the Job Posting Register is updated.

Use the following fields and features to enter Job Cost Posting information:

1. Period

Enter C-current general ledger period or N-next general ledger period. After entering a selection, the system prints the period along with the word CURRENT or NEXT signifying the general ledger period.

2. Batch

Enter the batch number to add to, edit or display. Batch numbers may be entered by the user or automatically assigned by the system. For manual batch numbers, enter the number of the batch (1-9999). Batch numbers already existing on file are displayed and the program proceeds to the prompt-selection field. To use automatic batch numbers, press Enter (CR). The system assigns the next available number. The word NEXT is displayed until the first posting record is completed. F2 allows a batch search (search only displays batches for the selected period).

Once a batch is entered, the system displays the source code (JC=job cost for NEXT), running totals for cost and billing amounts and if the batch number is on file the posting records. Also displayed is the credit GL account number if the source code is JC.

3. Credit G/L#

This field is unavailable if the source code is not JC. Enter the credit G/L# that each entry in this batch will post its cost extension against in the Posting Register. Enter (CR) defaults to the existing G/L# if any. F2 allows a search.

4. Job Number

Enter the valid job number to post this entry against. Entering a valid job number displays the job name, customer number and name, and billing type. Enter (CR) defaults to the last job number entered (if any). F2 allows a search.

After selecting F2-search, the program asks the user to search by job # or customer? If the user selects customer the program then prompts the user for the beginning customer to list. Entering a valid customer displays all the jobs on file for that customer and those customers following. The user can then select a job for correction or inquiry, or F4-backup to return to the job number field (field #4). Enter (CR) defaults to J.

If the users selects J, the program asks for the beginning job number to start listing from, Enter (CR) to continue listing, a line # to select a job on the screen, or F4 to back up to field #4.

5.  Cost Code

Enter a valid cost code (up to 4 characters). Entering a valid cost code displays the cost code description and the cost type. The cost code sets the defaults for units, unit of measure, cost rate/extension, billing rate/extension, and markup method. The cost code also determines whether the user is able to override the defaults. F2 allows a search.

6. Units

This field is unavailable if the entered cost code does not use units (no unit of measure set up in cost code F/M). Enter the quantity of units to post against the selected job. Enter the number of units per unit of measure; e.g. number of hours for hr, number of pounds for lb, number "each" for ea, etc. Enter (CR) defaults to the existing value, if any.

7. Cost Rate

This field is unavailable, if the entered cost code does not use units or allow cost override. Enter the cost per displayed unit of measure. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the cost/unit rate set in the cost code record.

8.  Cost Extension

The cost extension is calculated (cost rate multiplied by the units entered) and displayed. If the extension is greater than $99,999,999, the message EXTENSION TOO LARGE is displayed and the field is not accepted. If the user has an entry with a cost in excess of one hundred million dollars, enter the posting entry on more than one line. The program proceeds to field #8.

    Cost Extension

This field is unavailable if the entered cost code uses units or does not allow cost override. Enter the extended cost (+/-9999999.99) for the selected cost code. Enter (CR) defaults to the displayed value (initially 0).

Ü If the billing type for this job is no charge or cost plus, then the billing amounts are calculated according to the billing type, fields #8-11 are unavailable, and the program proceeds to field #13.

9. Markup

This field is initially skipped. Enter the markup method to use for this posting entry. The user has the following options:

# Enter the markup amount (0-999999.99). Entering a number tells the system to mark up the cost by a dollar amount. If units are entered, the system marks up the cost rate by the dollar amount; otherwise, it marks up the cost extension.

% Enter the percentage (0-999999.99%) to mark up the extension cost. To enter a percentage, the user must enter an amount and then the percentage sign. If no percentage sign is present, the system assumes the entered amount is a dollar amount. If units are entered, the system marks up the cost rate by the percentage amount; otherwise, it marks up the cost extension.

Enter the bill rate/extension manually. Entering M displays the word MANUAL and the program proceeds.

The fixed markup method is unavailable for selection, but can be used. To utilize the fixed method, select the proper cost code.

Enter (CR) initially defaults to the mark up method (amount/percentage) from the cost code record.

10. Bill Rate

This field is unavailable if the entered cost code does not use units or allow price override. Enter the price per displayed unit of measure. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the cost rate marked up by the mark up method.

Posting Bill Extension

The posting bill extension is calculated (bill rate multiplied by the units entered) and displayed. If the extension is greater than $99,999,999, the message EXTENSION TOO LARGE is displayed and the field is not accepted. If the user has a posting entry with a bill extension in excess of one hundred million dollars, enter the posting entry on more than one line. The program proceeds to field #12.

11. Bill Extension

This field is unavailable if the entered cost code uses units or does not allow price override. Enter the bill extension to post for this job. Enter (CR) defaults to the cost extension marked up by markup method.

12. Work-In-Process/Expense G/L#

This field is initially skipped. Enter the debit G/L# that this entry will post its cost extension against in the Posting Register. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the G/L# assigned to the cost code if the user has the post to work-in-process flag set to N in the JC to GL posting record; otherwise, the system uses the default work-in-process G/L# if the distribution flag in the JC to GL posting record is set to D, or the default comes from the GL posting table for the job entered, under the cost type of the cost code.

13. Memo

Enter the memo for this posting entry (up to 30 characters). Enter (CR) initially defaults to blanks.

14. Print

This field is initially skipped and set to N. Enter N or Y to indicate whether to print the memo on the job cost invoice. If the invoice is to print the transactions by cost code total or cost type total (as set in the Job Entry), then Y is not allowed. Enter (CR) defaults to N.

15. Ok To Add/Change?

Enter Y or N to indicate whether the entry is correct. Enter N to back up to the Print field. The program defaults to Y.

This concludes an entry in the detail portion of the Job Posting Entry program. The running totals are updated and displayed. In order to protect data integrity, the job number cannot be changed, except by deleting the entry record and re-entering the information. If the user is in add mode or entering records in a new batch, the line number is incremented by one, the program returns to the job number field for the posting entry; otherwise the next job posting entry is displayed and the program returns to the prompt-selection field.

Available functions

Following the entry of the last detail field, you can perform a number of functions:

# Details the job information of the line number on the screen. If the line number is not on the screen, the system assumes the entered number is a job number to begin listing from.

A Adds a posting entry to the batch (can only be done with job cost batches).

D Deletes the batch (can only be done with job cost batches).

F4 Clears the batch information from the screen, and returns to the batch field (#2).

Once the update is complete, the screen clears and the cursor returns to the Job Number field so you can enter additional entries.