Use Serial/Lot # Entry (MC030) to enter the serial/lot number of the ingredient, finished or packaging item (where applicable).
1. Serial/Lot
In the Serial/Lot field enter the serial or lot number. Press
or F2 to search.
2. Quantity
Enter the quantity (if a serial number, 1 is entered automatically).
The undistributed amount must equal zero in order to produce all of the formula. The undistributed is displayed. If the undistributed is not equal to 0, the amount left undistributed is set to 0 and reduces the units used for production by the undistributed amount.
You can select from the following to add, delete or modify serial/lot items:
- Changes a line-item
- Adds line-items
- Deletes line-items
- Stops line-item entry
Done - Ends Serial/Lot number entry