Nonstatic Control F/M (SAF990)
Nonstatic Control F/M (SAF990), which is used to view controls and settings that the FACTS system and the Sales Analysis module regularly update during processing.
This program contains controls and settings that the FACTS system and the Sales Analysis module regularly update during processing. This program rarely requires any user field.
CAUTION! Infor strongly recommends that administrators password-protect this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your Affiliate.
1. Current Period
Enter the current SA period (PPYY). If you wish to use calendar year reporting instead of fiscal year reporting, set the SA period to match the calendar year. For example, January would be set up as 0192 for calendar year reporting or 0492 for a fiscal year of October through September.
2. Last EOP Update
Enter the date of the last SA End-of-Period Update. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 01/01/00.
3. Last Date Posted
This is the last date the Post Invoices to SA program was run and is updated automatically. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 01/01/00.