The Equipment Meters system provides a means of processing meter readings as well as a way to trigger preventative maintenance and billing. There are two steps involved in meter reading: determining which meters need to be read and then entering the counts once the meters have been read.
Start by printing optional meter count sheets to review counts. Use the Print Meter Sheets program.
The meters selected for reading are chosen based upon the reading frequency code specified in the contracts for the equipment. Technician can take meter sheet print outs onsite to obtain readings or call each customer to take the reading by phone.
To enter a current meter reading, first capture the meter using the Capture Meter Records program. You can capture meters for a specific customer or for a range of customers based upon a cutoff date. Once the captured meters have been read, enter the new readings.
Use one of two methods to enter new meter readings:
Meter Reading Entry. Enter multiple readings for one customer/site combination. You can also enter optional equipment notes.
Quick Meter Entry Enter multiple counts for multiple customer and equipment combinations.