Technician F/M (SRF920)

Use this program to create and maintain the technician records to be used in the Service and Repair module. The technician must also have a corresponding record in Office Automation.

This program consists of two screens:


Main screen fields:

*. Technician

Enter the code that is assigned to this technician. This field is not accessible when modifying an existing code.

2. Name

Enter the technician’s name. The name will default from the Office Automation record.

3. Work Phone Number

Enter the technician’s work phone number. The number will default from the Office Automation record.

4. Home Phone Number

Enter the technician’s home phone number. The number will default from the Office Automation record.

5a. Regular Billing Rate

Enter the technician’s regular billing rate.

5b. Regular Cost Rate

Enter the technician’s regular cost rate.

6a. Overtime Billing Rate

Enter the technician’s overtime billing rate. The default rate will be the Static Control Overtime Ratio times the regular billing rate.

6b. Overtime Cost Rate

Enter the technician’s overtime cost rate. The default rate will be the Static Control Overtime Ratio times the regular cost rate.

7a. Holiday Billing Rate

Enter the technician’s holiday billing rate. The default rate will be the Static Control Holiday Ratio times the regular billing rate.

7b. Holiday Cost Rate

Enter the technician’s holiday cost rate. The default rate will be the Static Control Holiday Ratio times the regular cost rate.

8. Branch

Enter the branch this technician is assigned to (ref. 14).

9. Labor Item Number

Enter the labor item number. The item must be a valid item in Item File Maintenance with the service type set to Labor.

10. Active

Indicate whether the technician is active. Inactive technician records cannot be used during entry or inquiry programs.

Work History fields:

2a. Month To Date Worked

Enter the month to date number of hours this technician worked.

2b. Month To Date Billed

Enter the month to date number of hours this technician billed.

3a. Year To Date Worked

Enter the year to date number of hours this technician worked.

3b. Year To Date Billed

Enter the year to date number of hours this technician billed.

4a. Prior Year Worked

Enter the prior year to date number of hours this technician worked.

4b. Prior Year Billed

Enter the prior year to date number of hours this technician billed.