Check Print Control F/M (APF975)

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Use the Check Print Control F/M program to create and maintain print parameters for AP checks. These parameters determine the print positions for information that appears on AP checks. The Check Print program refers to these settings; so make sure you set up at least one record in this program before you print checks.

The check parameter records enable you to control the print positions of AP check information without requiring modifications (talk to your Affiliate about preprinted FACTS forms). Create one record for each bank to allow different checks for each bank. If you want to use the standard AP check, use the defaults for each entry. This produces a check that matches the standard FACTS check.

Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Check Print Control F/M.

Laser Check Driver Print Parameters

The laser driver, HPCHECK, prints to laser printers in 12 pitch. Using the correct settings in FACTS and the correct forms, this driver accommodates printing laser checks in FACTS. Contact TransForm Technologies directly to order checks or to request samples at (800) 226-2564 or email Chris Bilello at or Dottie Ward at

To use the HPCHECK laser driver, associate a link file for the laser printer with the HPCHECK printer. You can set it up as an additional printer in FACTS if other users make use of the laser printer for normal printing tasks. Use the settings below in Check Print Control F/M for Accounts Payable and Payroll laser check forms.

Note that these settings are only for the laser check forms (Accounts Payable and Payroll) provided by Transform Technologies. Laser check forms provided by any other forms vendor may not comply with the set up parameters given below.

Accounts Payable Check HPCHECK Laser Driver Parameters

Vouchers tab


Checks tab


# Lines Per Voucher


# Lines Per Check


# Invoices Per Voucher


Maximum Columns – Script


Void Stub Overrun Checks


Check Column - Check Number


Plain Paper Vouchers


Check Column – Date


Vouchers for Electronic payment

Voucher Column – Vendor


Check Column – Script


Voucher Column – Name


Check Column – Amount


Voucher Column – Date


Check Column - Name/Address


Voucher Column - Check Number


Voucher Column - Page Number


Voucher Column - Invoice Date


Voucher Column - Invoice Number


Voucher Column - Invoice Amount


Voucher Column – Discount


Voucher Column – Payment


Voucher Column – Memo


Accounts Payable Check Unform Driver Parameters

Vouchers tab


Checks tab


# Lines Per Voucher


# Lines Per Check


# Invoices Per Voucher


Maximum Columns – Script


Void Stub Overrun Checks


Check Column - Check Number


Plain Paper Vouchers


Check Column – Date


Voucher Column – Vendor


Check Column – Script


Voucher Column – Name


Check Column – Amount


Voucher Column – Date


Check Column - Name/Address



Voucher Column - Check Number


Voucher Column - Page Number


Voucher Column - Invoice Date


Voucher Column - Invoice Number


Voucher Column - Invoice Amount


Voucher Column – Discount


Voucher Column – Payment


Voucher Column – Memo


Use the following fields to set up printing controls for checks:

Check Print Control F/M Vouchers tab

*. Bank

Enter the bank code for these parameters. The entry must be a valid bank code. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gifto search.

Vouchers tab

2. # Lines Per Voucher

Enter the maximum number of horizontal lines (10-99) on the voucher (or stub) portion of the check. Press Enter (CR) defaults to 21 initially.

If you don’t want to print a voucher, enter 0.

3. # Invoices Per Voucher

Enter the maximum number of invoices to print on the voucher portion of the check (1-9 less than lines per voucher chosen in field #2). If 0 was entered in field #2, 0 is the only valid field. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 12.

4. Void Stub Overrun Checks

Enter Y or N to indicate whether to void the checks when the voucher is filled with invoices and print continued and continue on another voucher. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to Y.

5. Plain Paper Vouchers

Enter Y, N or O to indicate whether to print vouchers on plain paper after checks are printed. Entering an O means to print the vouchers on overruns only. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.

6.  Vouchers for Electronic Payments.

 Enter Y or N to indicate whether to print vouchers on plain paper after checks are printed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.

7. Voucher Column - Vendor

Enter the column number where the vendor number will print on the voucher (0-125). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 39.

7. Voucher Column - Name

Enter the column number where the vendor name will print on the voucher (0-106). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 53.

8. Voucher Column - Date

Enter the column number where the date will print on the voucher (0-123). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 40.

9. Voucher Column - Check Number

Enter the column number where the check number will print on the voucher (0-125). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 59.

10. Voucher Column - Page Number

Enter the column number where the page number will print on the voucher (0-129). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 75.

11. Voucher Column - Invoice Date

Enter the column number where the invoice date will print on the voucher (0-123). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 2.

12. Voucher Column - Invoice Number

Enter the column number where the invoice number will print on the voucher (0-125). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 11.

13. Voucher Column - Invoice Amount

Enter the column number where the gross amount of the invoice will print on the voucher (0-120). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 21.

14. Voucher Column - Discount

Enter the column number where the invoice discount amount will print on the voucher (0-120). Press Enter to initially default to 34.

15. Voucher Column - Payment

Enter the column number where the payment amount will print on the voucher (0-120). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 46.

16. Voucher Column - Memo

Enter the column number where the memo entered during Document Entry will print on the voucher (0-106). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 59.

 17. Print Vouchers for electronic payments

Indicate whether vouchers print for electronic payments, both ACH and wire transfers.


Check Print Control F/M Checks tab

2. # Lines Per Check

Enter the maximum number of horizontal lines per check (19-99). Press Enter to initially default to 21.

3. Maximum Columns - Script

Enter the maximum number of columns to be used when spelling out the check amount in words. Count one column for each letter and space (0-130). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 55.

4. Check Column - Check Number

Enter the column number where the check number will print on the check (0-125). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 42.

5. Check Column - Date

Enter the column number where the check date will print on the check (0-123). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 55.

6. Check Column - Script

Enter the column number where the check amount spelled out in words will print on the check (0-131 depending on the maximum number of columns in the script). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 11.

7. Check Column - Amount

Enter the column number where the check amount in numbers will print on the check (0-120). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 68.

8. Check Column - Name/Address

Enter the column number where the vendor's name and address will print on the check (0-106). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 13.