The Static Control F/M consists of many flags and entries that activate or deactivate many of the features available in the Accounts Payable module.
For instance, from this program you can establish aging cutoff dates, whether or not to use Vendor Ledgercards or establish the Disbursements and Expenses journals.
CAUTION! We strongly advise that administrators place a password on this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your Affiliate.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Static Control F/M.
1. Bank
Enter the bank code of the standard AP bank. This bank becomes the default value throughout the AP system where a bank code is required. The entry must be a valid bank code. Press Enter to initially default to the first bank on file.
2. GL Distribution
The accounts payable system may post to general ledger automatically. The Document Entry and Check Registers may print a general ledger distribution and make a journal posting to GL during the update. Enter 0 (Not Used) , 1 (Print Only) , or 2 (Print and Post) to indicate how AP is tied in with general ledger. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
3. GL Expense Journal
If 0 or 1 was entered the GL Distribution field, this field is skipped. Enter the general ledger journal number to post to for the expense posting of the Document Entry & Adjustments Register. The entry must be a valid journal number.
4. GL Disbursements Journal
If 0 or 1 was entered in the GL Distribution field, this field is skipped. Enter the general ledger journal number to post to for the disbursement posting of the Check Register. The entry must be a valid journal number.
5. Post By Branch
Enter N or Y to indicate whether to insert the branch in the G/L# when posting to general ledger. If set to Y, when entering documents in the Document Entry program, the branch assigned to the document is inserted in the GL account numbers displayed from the GL posting table. When posting to GL in the Document Entry and Check Registers, the branch assigned to the document is inserted in the Accounts Payable and Discounts GL account numbers.
Note that the Post by Branch setting only applies to non-expense portions of the AP Document. The GL number for the expense side of an AP Document can be for any branch, regardless of whether "Post by Branch" is selected (set to Y) on AP Static Control F/M.
6. Use Period Check Register
Indicate whether the Period Check Register will be used. If you do not select this checkbox, the Period Check register will not be available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
7. Use Period Expense Report
Indicate whether the Period Expense Distribution will be used. If you do not select this checkbox, the Period Expense Distribution program will not be available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
8. Use Period Disbursement Report
Indicate whether the Period Disbursement Distribution will be used. If you enter N, the Period Disbursement Distribution program will not be available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to Y.
1. Number Of Periods Paid Documents Stored
Enter the maximum number of periods to store information regarding paid off documents for report and inquiry purposes (0-99). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 3; press 0 to indicate that paid documents are not stored.
2. Number Of Months Check History Stored
Enter the maximum number of months to store information regarding check history for report and inquiry purposes (0-99). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 3; press 0 to indicate that check history is not stored.
3. Number Of Days Auto Increment
The Cash Requirement Reports in accounts payable and purchase orders print amounts due in each of several columns. You have the ability to determine the number of days in each column. The number of days (1-99) entered here will become the default value for the field on the Cash Requirement Reports. This is also used as the default lead time in the Payment Selection by Date program. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 7.
4. Number of Years 1099 Data Stored
Enter the number of years to store 1099 data. The system defaults to 3 years.Note that this value must be 15 or more for FACTS to be able to dill down and display this information in check history.
5. YTD Roll Period
Enter the fiscal period when year-to-date purchase history figures in the vendor file should be rolled to the prior year. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the last period of the fiscal year.
6. Use Payment History
Indicate whether monthly payment history will be used. If you do not select this checkbox, the Payment History Report will not be available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
7. Use Vendor Ledgercards
Indicate whether to use vendor ledgercards. If you do not select this checkbox, ledgercards will not be available. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.
8. Use Job Cost
Indicate whether Job Cost is to be used and tied into Accounts Payable. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.
9. Aging - First Cutoff
Enter the first aging cutoff (number of days) to be used to determine the second column on the Aged Payables Report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 30. The first column is CURRENT.
10. Aging - Second Cutoff
Enter the second aging cutoff (number of days) to be used to determine the third column on the Aged Payables Report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 60.
11. Aging - Third Cutoff
Enter the third aging cutoff (number of days) to be used to determine the fourth column on the Aged Payables Report. Press Enter (CR) to default to 90 initially. The fifth column is OVER 90 if you entered 90.