1. In the Bank field, enter the bank number on which the check was written. The entry must be a valid bank. Press Enter (CR) to default to the first bank on file. Press F2 to search.
2. In the Check number field, enter the number of the check to be voided. This check must be in the check reconciliation file. When you enter a valid check number, the system displays the vendor number and name, address, balance, check amount, discount amount and check date. Press F2 to list any voided checks entered since the last Check Register. Once checks are listed, enter the beginning check to list if not already displayed, press Enter (CR) to continue listing documents or enter the line number of the check to display in detail. If a check is selected, the check is information displayed and displays the message: Is this correct check to void? Select Yes or No to indicate whether you wish to void the displayed check. Press Enter (CR) defaults to Y.
4. In the Document number, enter the invoice number of each document originally paid by this check. Entry of a document number still existing in the open documents file displays the document entry date, due date, discount due date, document amount, discount amount and new balance and the system returns to this field. Press F3 to end entries.
If the document no longer exists in the Open Documents file (it has been removed by the Document Removal Register), and you need to add it to the file. Select Yes to indicate whether this document should be added to the file and complete fields 5-12.
If you are voiding a noninvoice check, you must enter a document number (that is not on file) so that the check can be correctly voided. Complete fields 5-12 to add the document number to the open documents file. The void for the noninvoice check can then be correctly processed through the system, including posting to General Ledger.
5. In the Document entry date field, enter the date the document was entered.
6. In the Document due date field, enter the due date of the document.
7. In the Document discount due date field, enter the due date of the document discount.
8. In the Void payment amount field, enter the amount paid to be voided by the check (+/- 9999999.99). (This will be the amount of the document when updated to the open documents file.)
9. In the Void discount amount field, enter the amount to be the allowable discount amount when the document is updated to the open documents file (+/- 9999999.99).
10. In the Branch field, enter a valid branch number. Press Enter (CR) to default to the branch assigned to the terminal. Press F2 to search. The AP Check Register uses this entry to post voided checks by branch.
11. In the Memo field, enter the document memo (up to 25 characters). This memo will appear in the comments column of the check stub when this invoice is paid off.
12. Once you’ve entered all the documents that need to be voided, the check amount must equal the distributed amount and the discounts must equal the distributed discount amount to end entries.
Press F3 to end the entry process.
13. You can perform the following functions:
Change a document - Information can be changed for documents added to the open documents file during Void Check Entry. In the browser in the lower portion of the screen highlight the document number to be changed and to edit the line item information. You can change fields #5-11.
Delete a document. In the browser in the lower portion of the screen highlight the document number to be changed and click to delete. You must then respond with YES to the Are you sure you want to delete? prompt.
Add a document. Add an invoice to the voided check. Complete fields #5-11.
The distributed amount in the header is constantly updated as each line is entered. This distributed amount must equal the original check amount and the distributed discount amount must equal the original discount amount to end the program. Press Done to clear the screen and return to the check number field.
14. When you are finished, press F3 to clear the screen and return to the check number field. Press Done to exit the program.