1. Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Checks-->Noninvoice Check Entry.
2. In the Bank field, enter the bank on which the check was written. The entry must be a valid bank. Press Enter (CR) to default to the first bank on file.
3. In the Check number field, enter the manual check number (1-9999999999). Press Enter (CR) to default to the next check number after the number displayed as the last manual check. F2 lists noninvoice manual checks already entered but not yet updated by the Check Register. Once checks are listed, enter the beginning check to list if not already displayed, press Enter (CR) to continue listing documents or enter the line number of the check to display in detail.
4. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor number for this check. The vendor number, name, address and balance are displayed.
5. In the Check date field, enter the date of the manual check. The date must be within the current or next general ledger period and not prior to the current AP period. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.
6. In the Check amount field, enter the dollar amount of this check (.01-9999999.99).
7. This concludes the header portion of the Noninvoice Check Entry program. At this time, the system creates a header record and all header fields except #1-3 are accessible through the change header routine. Fields #1-3 can only be changed by deleting and re-entering the check.
9. To enter invoices complete the steps below.
10. In the Document field, enter the document (invoice) number (up to 10 characters).
11. In the Invoice date field, enter the invoice date. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.
12. In the Amount paid field, enter the amount paid (+/-9999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.
13. In the Discount taken field, enter the amount of the discount taken (+/- 9999999.99) not greater than the payment amount. Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.
14. In the General ledger number field, enter the general ledger number to expense. The entry must be a valid general ledger number. If the general ledger posting table assigned to this vendor has preset expense accounts, press Enter (CR) to default to the GL account number in the GL posting table. All numbers of the GL posting table may be displayed by pressing F2 to search.
15. In the Memo field, enter the memo to appear on the Check Register (up to 30 characters). Press Enter (CR) to skip the entry. When the memo is complete, the field returns to the document number field so you can enter another document line.
16. Press F3 to end the entry process. You can perform the following functions:
Change a document - Information can be changed for documents added to the open documents file during Void Check Entry. In the browser in the lower portion of the screen highlight the document number to be changed and edit the line item information. You can change fields #5-11.
Delete a document. In the browser in the lower portion of the screen highlight the document number to be changed and delete. You must then respond with YES to the Are you sure you want to delete? prompt.
Add a document. Add an invoice to the voided check. Complete fields #5-11.
F4 or Done Exits the program.