Manual Check Entry (APE310)

How To

Use this program to enter handwritten checks into the Accounts Payable system and bypass the check print portion of processing.

A manual check must be written to pay off documents in the open documents file, such as purchase orders, customer refunds, etc. However, a manual check used to pay off a document that is not in the open documents file is entered through the Noninvoice Check Entry. In other words, if an invoice comes in C.O.D. and never existed in the open documents file, you would use the Noninvoice Check Entry to pay off the document.

The manual check number entered cannot be the same number found in the bank transaction file. Manual checks may not be entered for vendors on hold.

Complete check information must be entered. This information includes bank number, check number, vendor number, check date, check amount, each document (invoice) paid by the check and the payment and discount amounts.

The Manual Check Entry program consists of two sections. The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where the vendor number, check date, etc. are entered. The lower portion is called the browser and displays the invoice, amount, etc. that is being paid by the check.

Manual check information appears on the next Check Register and all applicable files are updated during the optional Payment Register update.

Creating a manual check does not by itself update the system.

Use the following fields to enter manual checks:

1. Bank

Enter the bank number on which the check was written. Press Enter (CR) to default to the first bank on file.  

2. Check Number

Enter the manual check number (1-9999999999). Press Enter (CR) to default to the next check number after the number displayed as last manual check. Press F2 to list manual checks already entered but not yet updated by the Check Register. If a check is selected, the check details are displayed in the middle portion of the screen.

3. Vendor

Enter the vendor number for this check. The vendor number, name, address and balance are displayed. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gifto search.

4. Date

Enter the date of the manual check. The date must be within the current or next GL period and not prior to the current AP period. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

5. Check Amount

Enter the dollar amount of this check (.01-9999999.99). A message is displayed if the amount is greater than the vendor balance.

You can select from the following:

Apply Check to display all open documents for this vendor.

Delete Check to delete the all records of this manual check. If you answer YES to the Are you sure you want to delete check? prompt, the system clears the screen and returns to the check number field. The displayed field of last manual check number used is updated. However, the deleted check number may be used again.

Done to exit the program.

6. If you select Apply Check the system displays a dialog listing the documents to which the check can be applied. You can select:

Auto apply to allow the system to automatically pay open documents. It begins with the first displayed document and continues paying off documents until the check amount is distributed. If the check date is before or on the discount due date, any applicable discounts are taken. The payment amount and discount amount are displayed; the distributed amount is displayed in the header.

Pay to apply the entire check amount to the highlighted document line in the browser. (Note the check amount must be less than or equal to the Current Amount for the document. You can select Unpay to remove the Payment Amount applied to the highlighted document line in the browser.

Complete 7-10.

7. You can select a document to which the check can be applied and edit.

8. Invoice Payment Amount

Manually enter in the payment amount (i.e., allowing for partial payments).

9. Invoice Discount Amount

Enter the discount amount (i.e., allowing a discount to be taken after the discount due date) in the Invoice Discount Amount field.

10. Now you can save your changes or cancel the line entry. You must continue processing payments for the check until the Check Amount and the Distributed Amount are equal. When you have distributed the manual check, press Done to exit the program.

See Also

How to enter manual checks