Use this program when you have customers with multiple ship-to addresses or different billing and mailing addresses. You can enter an unlimited number of ship-to addresses for each customer. Note: If a customer’s ship-to address is the same as the customer address, you don’t have to set up a record in this program.
The customer must be set up in Customer F/M before you can create ship-to records.
Each ship-to record contains a customer number, ship-to number and general information relevant to the ship-to number.
For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:
How to use file maintenance programs
Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->File Maintenances-->Ship-To F/M.
1. Customer Number
Enter the customer number for whom the ship-to number is to correspond.
2. Ship-To Number
Enter the ship-to number (up to 5 characters). The ship-to numbers are alphanumeric and user-definable. You can duplicate ship-to numbers as long as the duplicate numbers are assigned to different customers. For example: C100 may have ship-to numbers 1 and 2. C200 can also have ship-to numbers 1 and 2. Ship-to numbers don’t have to be numbers. For example, you can create ship-to numbers such as ATL for a customer’s Atlanta location or SAV for its Savannah location.
3. Name
Enter the ship-to customer name (up to 30 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to the customer’s name from the customer file.
4. Country
Enter the customer's country.
5. Address
Enter the ship-to customer address.
6. City
Enter the city.
7. State
Enter the state name using the 2-character designation provided by the post office.
8. Zip Code
Enter the zip code.
9. Final Address Line
Enter the final address line for the customer’s address. Press Reset to default to city, state and zip entered in from the previous fields. The final address line may be used for international addresses and will be used for all printouts, instead of city, state and zip.
10. Contact #1
Enter the name of the person you work with at this ship-to address (up to 25 characters).
11. Phone #1
Enter the phone number including area code, dashes and extension, if needed (up to 17 characters).
12. Email
Enter the email address for the person entered as contact #1 above.
13. Contact #2
Enter the name of another person you work with at this ship-to address (up to 25 characters).
14. Phone #2
Enter the second phone number of the customer if needed (up to 17 characters).
15. Email
Enter the email address for the person entered as contact #2 above.
16. Slsp/Terr (Salesperson/Territory)
Enter the salesperson/territory (up to 3 characters). The entry must be a valid salesperson/territory. Press Enter (CR) to default to the salesperson/territory assigned to the customer in the customer file. This code will be the default salesperson in the sales order entry programs and the AR Invoice Entry program when this ship-to is used.
17. Tax Code
Enter the tax code that applies to this customer (up to 8 characters). The entry must be a valid tax code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the tax code assigned to the customer in the customer file. This code will be the default in the order entry programs and AR Invoice Entry program when this ship-to is used. Click
to select a default Tax Code for ship-to record.
18. Tax rate
Enter whether the tax rate is High, Low, or eXempt status. Press Enter (CR) to default to the rate assigned to the customer in the customer file.
19. Ship via
Enter a code to indicate which shipping method to use with the default customer (up to 15 characters). This code will be the default ship via in the sales order entry programs and AR Invoice Entry program when this ship-to is used. Ship Via codes are setup and maintained in the Ship Via F/M located in the Sales Orders File Maintenance menu.
20. Zone
Enter the UPS ship-to zone. The prompt shows the zone as calculated from the zip code entered in field #8 and the zone assigned to the customer in the AR Customer F/M program. Press Enter (CR) to default to the calculated zone, or if there is not one, the entry from the Customer F/M program.
21. Commercial/Resident
Enter whether a delivery to this customer is a Commercial or Residential UPS ground delivery. UPS charges different amounts for residential and commercial deliveries. Press Enter (CR) to default to commercial.
22. Route
If routing is used (check the Route flag in the SO Static Control F/M), enter the customer’s ship-to route number (up to 3 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to the route assigned to the customer in the customer file.
23. Site Charge
If your system uses the Service & Repair module, use this field to establish the flat fee you want to charge this customer whenever a service technician visits the customer’s site.
If you don’t use Service & Repair, this field is inactive.
24. Label Code
Enter the label code to be sent to Radio Beacon in the "PH" record during the pick ticket print program for EWMS processing.
25. Ship Complete
Enter the default ship complete status, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field. This field initially defaults from the customer record.
Note: The Ship Complete field is a warehouse- and line-level designation. Refer to the Ship Complete Feature Overview topic for details.
You can select from the following options:
N Allow Partial--Indicates you want to allow the shipped quantity to be less than the ordered quantity for Ship-to locations for this customer.
Y Ship Complete--Indicates you want to require that all lines must ship complete for the specified ship-to location for this customer.
B Balance Complete—Indicates you want to allow all lines to can ship partial in the first shipment for this customer. Once the ship-to location is processed through the DSR, the line is changed to ship complete.
26. Order Priority
Enter the default order priority, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field. This field initially defaults from the customer record. You can select from the following options:
N Normal—Indicates that orders for this customer have no special priority.
R Rush—Indicates that you want to advise the warehouse, via the pick ticket, that this customers orders are rush orders.
H Service Hold—Indicates that you want orders for this customer not to be shipped due to a non-credit-related reason.
27. eStorefront Whse
Set the eCommerce Storefront warehouse for any ship-to location that will be placing orders on eCommerce Storefront. Failure to do this will cause the ship-to number not to be accepted on the web.
User-Defined Screen
Many users have a few pieces of information about customers, vendors, and items that are unique to their business that they would like to enter into FACTS for reference purposes. The User-Defined screen displays user-defined fields in the major file maintenances and makes them available in FACTS Inquiry programs for information only. There are 5 user-defined fields available to any user that has access to Ship-To F/M.
You will be able to configure these fields within the following constraints:
If the user has administrator privileges for User-defined Fields setting on the Security tab of User Code F/M (SMF410): Each field can be designated by a type--text, numeric, validated list, and date, as well as a label that can be edited in the F/M to create custom labels for each field. This allows the user to have a meaningful label other than "User Defined 1" and so on.
To configure user-defined fields: