Customer Defaults F/M (ARF840)

Use this program to set up default information for the following file maintenances:

The fields defined here will be used as the default entries when adding prospects or customers. These fields can be changed when entering new prospects or customers.

Only one record can be set up in this program; the system automatically supplies it a customer number of NEW. The fields #2 - #13 should be left blank. The fields on the sales history screen should be left blank also.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->File Maintenances-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Customer Defaults F/M.

The following fields are involved in creating customer records:



1. Terms Code

Enter the terms code (up to 2 characters). The entry must be a valid terms code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the terms code of the customer just entered.

2. GL Table

Enter the GL posting table to which a customer belongs (up to 3 characters). The entry must be a valid GL posting table. This GL table determines how the customer is to post to the GL module. Press Enter (CR) to default to the GL posting table of the customer just entered.

3. Tax Code

Enter the tax code that applies to this customer (up to 8 characters). The entry must be a valid tax code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the tax code of the customer just entered.

4. Tax Rate

Enter whether the tax rate is High, Low, or eXempt status. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to H. If tax rate is not applicable, enter H for all customers.

5. Exempt #

Enter the tax-exempt number if applicable (up to 20 characters). This field is a memo field.

6. Credit Limit

Enter the credit limit, if applicable (0- 9999999). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. The credit limit is used while in the sales orders system (see SO Static Control F/M) and AR invoicing (see AR Static Control F/M).

7. Svc Chg Grace Period

Enter the number of days grace given to a customer before charging the service charge (0-999) when running the Service Charge Register. This grace period is added to the grace period for all customers as set in the service charge control record F/M. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

8. Active

Indicate whether a customer is active. If N is entered, no sales processing is allowed for this customer (i.e., no sales orders may be processed) (checks may be entered). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

9. On Hold

Indicate if this customer is on hold. If Y is entered, no orders can be entered for the customer. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

10. Use Ledgercards

Indicate whether to store ledgercards. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

11. Dunning Letters

Indicate whether a customer is to receive dunning letters. Enter 0-5 to indicate the number of the last dunning letter sent; (e.g., the entry Y5 indicates that dunning letters are sent and the number of the last letter sent was 5.) Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

12. Last Dun Sent

Enter 0-5 to indicate the number of the last dunning letter sent; (e.g., the entry Y5 indicates that dunning letters are sent and the number of the last letter sent was 5.) Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

13. Statement Code

Enter the statement code (1 character, Never). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0. Entering N indicates this customer can never have a statement printed. This code is used in the AR Statement Print Program to specify which customers should have statements printed. Entering N indicates a customer can never have a statement printed. If all customers have statements printed at the same time, assign A (always) to all customers.

Invoicing Screen

1. Price Level

If inventory prices are set up in price levels, enter the level for this customer (up to number of levels used: 0-6). Price levels are used to charge customers different prices. For example, you have two types of classes; wholesale and retail customers. This option would allow you to set two types of level pricing for wholesale - level 1 and retail - level 2. If price levels are not used, enter zero.

2. Invoice Discount

The invoice discount is set in the SO static control record as either not used or a dollar amount or a percentage. If set as a percentage, enter the default invoice discount percent for this customer (.00-99.99). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

3. Commission %

Enter the commission percent for a customer (.00-99.99). If commissions are not calculated based on customer (set in the SM company control record), it will not be used. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

4. Message

Enter the message if needed (up to 20 characters). This message appears on the screen during sales order entry programs as a reminder and will not print anywhere for the customer to see.

5. Ship Via

Enter a Ship Via code that indicates which method of shipping should be used for the default customer. Ship Via codes are setup and maintain in Sales Order ® File Maintenances ® Ship Via F/M.

6. UPS Zone

Enter the UPS ship-to zone. This will be used to calculate UPS freight charges in SO.

7. Commercial/Resident

Enter whether a delivery to a customer is a Commercial or Residential UPS ground delivery. UPS charges different amounts for residential and commercial deliveries. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to commercial.

8. Route

Enter a customer route number if routing is used (up to 3 characters) (set in the SO static control record). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the first route on file.

9. Ship-To

Enter the ship-to number for this customer (up to 5 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to SAME, meaning the ship-to address is the same as the customer’s billing address.

10. PO (Purchase Order) Required

Enter N or Y to indicate whether the customer purchase order number to be entered in the Reference # field in SO entry is required for billing. Options:

N - Entry is not mandatory. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.

Y - Entry is mandatory except in Credit Memo Entry and Customer Returns

A - Entry is mandatory in all SO entry programs including Credit Memo Entry and Customer Returns

11. Allow Backorder

Indicate if a customer allows backorders. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

12. Store SO (Sales Orders) Sales

Indicate whether to store SO (customer/item combinations) sales history. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected. Sales history is stored for the last three customer/item combinations. There is also a removal program that may be run any time to remove sales history.

13. Invoices

Indicate whether to store past invoice history. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected. Invoice history stores the detail of all invoices in the SO module. There is a removal program that may be run any time to remove detailed invoice history.

14. Payment History

Indicate whether to store payment history. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

15. Pick Ticket Prices

Enter whether to include pricing information on the pick ticket for this customer. Price, Pricing UM, and extension information will print below the description for each item on the pick ticket and the total of extensions will appear below the line item section if this flag is set to ‘PET’.

16. Print Customer Item Numbers

Enter whether to include the customer item number on the quote, pick ticket and/or invoice/credit memo. Press F2 to select "None."

17. Ship Complete

Enter the default ship complete status, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field.

Note: The Ship Complete field is a warehouse- and line-level designation. Refer to the Ship Complete Feature Overview topic for details.

You can select from the following options:

N Allow Partial--Indicates you want to allow the shipped quantity to be less than the ordered quantity for orders or Ship-to warehouses for this customer.

Y Ship Complete--Indicates you want to allow the quantity ordered must be the same as the quantity shipped on order line items or for Ship-to warehouses, all lines must ship complete for the specified customer.

B Balance Complete—Indicates you want to allow the quantity shipped to be less than the quantity ordered on the first shipment, but the backordered quantities must be shipped complete for orders or for Ship-to warehouses all lines can ship partial in the first shipment for this customer. Once an order line or warehouse is processed through the DSR, the line is changed to ship complete.

18. Def Freight Method

Enter the default method to be used for this customer. You can select from: Quoted Freight or Calculated Freight

Note that
Quoted freight is on the header of the order not on the warehouse level. If not all of the items from an order ship, the backorder’s quoted freight will reflect the amount of the freight originally quoted minus the amount that was billed on the first invoice.

eStorefront B2C customers should be set up with the "default freight method" fields set to "Q" for Quoted freight.

19. Allow Method Change 

Indicate whether to allow the freight method (Quoted or Calculated freight to be changed during Order Entry (SEO210), Order Confirmation (SOE310), Direct Invoice Entry (SOE510), Credit Memo Entry (SOE330) and Counter Sale Entry (SOE510) programs.

The document freight method cannot be changed once the document has been run through the Daily Sales Register.

Sales History

1. Date Opened

Enter the date the account was opened for this customer. Press Enter (CR) to default to the date the customer was entered into the customer file.

2. Date Last Sale

Enter the date of the most recent invoice for this customer.

3. Date High Balance

Enter the date the most money was owed by this customer.

4. Date Last Payment

Enter the date of the most recent payment made by this customer.

5.* Current Balance

This field is skipped and maintained by the system.

6. Highest Balance

Enter the amount of the highest balance for this customer (+/-99999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.

7. Month-to-Date

Enter the total amount of month-to-date sales (+/-99999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. Enter the total amount of month-to-date sales cost (+/-99999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.

8. Year-to-Date

Enter the total amount of year-to-date sales (+/-999999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. Enter the total amount of year-to-date sales cost (+/-999999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.

9. Prior Year Sales and Cost

Enter the total amount of prior year sales (+/-999999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0. Enter the total amount of prior year sales cost (+/-999999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.



1. Customer Class

Enter the customer class to which a customer would belong(up to 3 characters). Customer classes are a way of categorizing customers and is used for such purposes as reporting in Accounts Receivable and contract pricing in Sales Orders.

2. Customer Price Class

Enter the customer price class for this customer. This price class is used to group customers for use in contract pricing, costs and prices updates, and reporting purposes.

3. Site Charge

If your system uses the Service & Repair module, use this field to establish the flat fee you want to charge this customer whenever a service technician visits the customer’s site.

If you don’t use Service & Repair, this field is not active.

4. Salesperson/Territory

Enter the salesperson/territory (up to 3 characters). The entry must be a valid salesperson/territory code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the salesperson/territory of the customer just entered.

5. Lead Source

Enter the source from where the salesperson got the lead for this prospect. Press F2 to search for valid sources, which are defined in the Lead Source F/M. This field is only valid if you have purchased TeleFACTS.

6. Geography Code

Enter a geographical location for this customer. This code can be up to 5 characters and is completely user-definable. Some of the AR reports will ask which geography code to print and will only print the code or codes you choose. Press Enter (CR) to default to the geography code of the customer just entered.

7. Branch

Enter the branch a customer belongs to. Most AR reports allow you to select the branch(es) to print. The entry must be a valid branch.

When all fields have been entered, enter Y or N to indicate whether to add the record and assign sales and invoicing defaults. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y.

Once a record is displayed on the main screen, you can access other information by pressing the highlighted letter of the display code needed. The entire display code is highlighted when the information relating to that code is displayed on the screen. You can use the following display codes:

- main

- sales history

- invoicing