Nonstatic Control F/M (ARF990)

This program is critical to the AR system. It contains information that the AR system references and updates as performs various functions.

CAUTION! We strongly advise administrators to password-protect this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your local FACTS office.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->File Maintenances-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Nonstatic Control F/M.

Use the following fields to create Nonstatic Control F/M record:

* indicates that changing the field after initial installation may have serious repercussions. Please speak to an IC at your local FACTS office before you make any changes.

1.* AR Balance

Upon installation this should be set to 0. It will be updated through normal processing. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

2. Current Period

Enter the current period or period when actual processing in AR will begin (PPYY). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the current GL period.

3. Date Of Last EOP (End-Of-Period) Update

Enter the date of the last end-of-period update in accounts receivable. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 010100.

4. Last Recurring Post Date

Enter the date of the last day recurring documents were posted. Press F1 to default to N/A (not applicable).

*5-13. Register Numbers

These numbers keep track of the last register number used and as a register is updated, the last number used is incremented by one. Upon installation these fields should be set to 0. These fields will automatically be updated through normal processing. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

14. Last Customer # Used

Enter the last customer number used when the system automatically increments customer numbers in the Customer F/M program (numeric only). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to blanks.