Statement Print Control F/M (ARF968)

Use this program to set the following printing parameters for AR statements:

This record must be entered prior to entering statement messages and printing statements.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->File Maintenances-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Statement Print Control F/M.

The following fields are involved in creating and maintaining the statement print control record:

1. Form Depth

Enter the statement form depth (number of lines) at 6 lines per inch (0-99) usually 42 (7-inch form and prints 19 documents minus number of message lines on last page of each statement), 51 (8 1/2-inch form and prints 28 documents minus number of message lines on last page of each statement), and 66 (11-inch form and prints 43 documents minus number of message lines on last page of each statement). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 42.

2. Use Preprinted Form

Indicate whether a preprinted form is used. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

3. Address

Indicate whether to print your company name and address on the preprinted statement form. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

4. Print Aging Headings

Indicate whether to print aging headings on the statements. These headings are found on the bottom of each statement summarizing the total due for each aging column. You can choose to have the system print the headings rather than having them preprinted on a form for different customers. For example, retail customers may have Net-30, terms thus aging headings may be current 30, 60, 90, etc., where wholesale customers may have Net-10 terms thus aging headings may be current 10, 20, 30, etc. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

5. Use Tear-Off Return

Indicate whether a tear-off return section of the statement is used. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

6. Zero Balance Documents

Indicate whether to print on the statement zero balance documents (documents in AR which have been paid and the balance is 0). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

7. # Message Lines

Enter the number of message lines to be printed on each statement (0-3). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0 indicating that messages are not used. If messages are used, the message that is printed on each statement is determined by the oldest document on that statement. For example, assume that you have five aging columns on your statement and the oldest document is in column three, then the message for break number three is printed.

8. Minimum Amount

Enter the amount below which positive balance statements will not print (0-9999.99). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

9. Statement by Branch

Indicate which branch the system should use: the customer’s default branch or the branch entered on the document. When you print statements for Branch 01, for example, this control tells the system to either print all documents for customers assigned to Branch 01or all documents with Branch 01 on them.