Static Control F/M (ARF988)

The AR Static Control F/M contains flags, settings and controls that are critical to how the AR system functions.

CAUTION! We strongly advise administrators to password-protect this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your local FACTS office.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->File Maintenances-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Static Control F/M.

Use the following fields to create the AR Static Control record:

1. Bank

Enter the default bank code (2 characters). The entry must be a valid bank code.

2. YTD (Year-To-Date) Roll Period

Enter the fiscal period when year-to-date sales figures in the customer file are rolled to the prior year. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to last period of year.

3. Use Ledgercards

Indicate whether to use customer ledgercards (i.e., store ledgercards for customers selected in the customer file). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

4. Default Credit Check

Enter whether to Not to acknowledge, flash a Message and continue, Refuse entry of the document, automatically place the SO document on Hold (not applicable in AR Invoice Entry - will flash a message and continue), or the correct Password must be entered to continue (see next field) in the occurrence where a customer fails the credit check. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.

The credit check is based on: 1) the customer’s credit limit in dollars (as set in the customer file) and 2) the credit limit check in days (as set in the aging control record). The credit check is used in AR invoicing and throughout the sales orders system.

The data in this field is used when new customer records are created, either through the file maintenance programs or when converting a
TeleFACTS prospect to a customer.

5. Password

Enter the password to override the failed credit check in AR Invoice Entry and SO Entry programs (up to 8 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to no password (blank).

6. Paid (Document History) Periods (0-99)

Enter the number of periods to retain document history. If 0 is entered, no document history will be retained. If 99 is entered, all document history will be retained. Press Enter (CR) to default to 12.

7. Check History

Enter the number of periods to retain AR check history. Press F1 if check history is not used.


In the Payment Accumulation History section of the screen, complete the following:


8. Use Due/Invoice Date

Enter whether payment history is stored based on Due date or the Invoice date. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to D.

9. Ignore Credits

Indicate whether to ignore credit memos (not update payment history with credit memos) when storing payment history. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

10. Ignore Disputed

Indicate whether to exclude disputed invoices from being included in the count of invoices, dollar amount of included invoices and the accumulations displayed – they will still be counted and amounts displayed in their own “disputed” columns. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

11. First totals Through

Enter the first accumulation period to print on the Payment History Report and display for payment history in the Customer Inquiry. Each period should be two digits (example: 03). Each period includes all previous periods. For example, if 030609 is entered, the three columns of payment history on the Payment History Report are headed 3 (periods 1-3), 6 (periods 1-6), and 9 (periods 1-9). Period 1 is always the last period closed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 010203.

12. Second totals Through

Enter the second accumulation period to print on the Payment History Report and display for payment history in the Customer Inquiry. Each period should be two digits (example: 03). Each period includes all previous periods. For example, if 030609 is entered, the three columns of payment history on the Payment History Report are headed 3 (periods 1-3), 6 (periods 1-6), and 9 (periods 1-9). Period 1 is always the last period closed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 010203.

13. Third totals Through

Enter the third accumulation period to print on the Payment History Report and display for payment history in the Customer Inquiry. Each period should be two digits (example: 03). Each period includes all previous periods. For example, if 030609 is entered, the three columns of payment history on the Payment History Report are headed 3 (periods 1-3), 6 (periods 1-6), and 12 (periods 1-12). Period 1 is always the last period closed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 010203.