Fax Directory F/M (FLF910)

Use this program to create Fax directory records for existing customers, vendors and any other recipient to whom you frequently send Faxes.

Before you can set up a Fax record for a customer or vendor, make sure a customer or vendor record exists in FACTS.

The system imports corresponding data from these records, which saves you time.

If you are creating a standalone Fax directory entry, the system prompts you for the necessary information.

As you add a new customer, customer ship-to, vendor or vendor ship-from record in FACTS, the system asks if an associated record should be created in the Fax directory. When deleting a customer, customer ship-to, vendor or vendor ship-from, the associated Fax directory record must be deleted first.

Use the following fields to create a recipient record in the Fax Directory:

*. ID Type

Select the code for the Fax record type: Customer, Vendor, or blank to indicate Neither. Pressing Enter (CR) defaults to blank.

*. Number

Enter the FACTS customer or vendor number. This field is skipped if ID Type is Neither. The customer or vendor information displays in the detail fields below.

You can select to:

add a new record, edit the record you high light in the browser or delete the highlighted record in the browser.

*. Ship

Enter the FACTS customer ship-to number or the vendor ship-from number. P This field is skipped if the ID Type is neither customer nor vendor.

4. Description

Enter the description for this entry. This information will default from the FACTS customer or vendor record if the ID Type is customer or vendor.

5. Fax Phone#

Enter the Fax phone number for this record. Hyphens are optional. Include the prefix 1 for long distance numbers.

6. Contact

Enter the contact for this record.

7. Long Distance

Indicate whether the Fax number is a long distance call.

8. Phone#

Enter the voice phone number for this record. Access to this field is restricted if the ID Type is customer or vendor.

9. Address

Enter the address for this record. Access to this field is restricted if the ID Type is customer or vendor.

10. Long Distance

Enter the address 2 for this record. Access to this field is restricted if the ID Type is customer or vendor.

11. Branch

Enter the branch for this record. Press F2or image\find_shg.gifto search. The system uses the branch code from the associated FACTS customer or vendor record if the ID Type is customer or vendor.

12-16. Class 1-5

Enter the class(es) to associate with this entry. Press F1 to default to None.