Commit Backordered Quantities (SOR210)

How To

Use this program to update the backordered quantities on sales orders, warehouse transfers and backorders to committed quantities and to provide a report of what is updated. The report prints as the update occurs.

You can select whether to include sales orders only, transfers only or both when the report is run. You also have the option to print the transfer tickets for the transfers that had backordered quantities committed.

As orders and invoices are entered, some line-items have backordered amounts, usually because a customer order an amount greater than the quantity available. In time, another shipment of the backordered item arrives at the user’s company. Some of this new stock may be partially committed from special orders that were imported to create purchase orders; however, the rest of the quantity is available. Since the quantity is available, it can once again be committed by new orders and invoices, leaving none left over to fill backorders.

To avoid leaving backordered quantities on permanent backorder, the system allows the user to run this program. This program checks orders and backorders for backordered amounts. The program does not check invoices, printed or confirmed orders, quotes, counter sales, etc. Sales orders and backorders for customers on hold are not checked for backordered amounts. If the program finds backordered amounts, it then looks to see if the item has any quantity that is available. If there is enough of the item available to fill the entire backorder quantity and leave at least one in stock, the system automatically commits the quantity and sets the backordered amount to zero. For serial or lot number items, the system does not commit the backordered amounts if the OE Serial/Lot Number Entry flag in the Sales Orders Static Control Record is set to Y.

Infor recommends that you run this program after running the purchase order Receipt Register, after entering adjustments in inventory control, or after a large amount of line-items have been deleted or voided. If there are a large number of orders and invoices in the system, this program may take some time to run.

Report information includes order number, order type and status, requested date, warehouse code, customer number and name, item number and description, and the amount committed and its corresponding unit of measure.

Use the following fields to update backordered quantity of orders and backorders:

1. Include

Indicate whether to commit stock for S-sales orders, T-transfers or B-both. Press F4 to backup

2. Order

Select the order in which to print the report.
The Order prompt information varies, depending on the include option you selected above:

If you selected S-sales orders for the Include prompt,
indicate what order to use to commit backordered quantities where stock is available. You can select from: O-order number, I-item number, C-customer, or D-request date.

If you selected T-transfer only for the Include prompt, indicate what order to use to commit backordered quantities where stock is available. You can select from: T-ticket number, I-item number, W-to warehouse, or D-request date.

If you selected B-both sales orders and transfer for the Include prompt, indicate what order to use to commit backordered quantities where stock is available. You can select from: I-item number or D-request date.

3. Beginning Order Choice

Select the beginning order choice to update. F1 defaults to FIRST. F2 allows a search. The Beginning prompt information varies, depending on the order option you selected above:

If the Order prompt is "D" for request date, the Beginning and Ending prompts are disabled, and you can enter the range in the Beginning Date and Ending Date fields in the Properties section of the screen.

All orders choices with the exception of request date have request date as the secondary sort option. For example if you select customer order, the documents commit and print in request date order within each customer.

4. Ending Order Choice

Select the ending order choice to update. F1 defaults to LAST. F2 allows a search.

5. Warehouse

The Warehouse prompt information varies, depending on the include option you selected above:

If you selected S-sales orders for the Include prompt
, enter the shipping warehouse to update for.

If you selected T-transfer only for the Include prompt,
enter the from warehouse to update for.

If you selected B-both sales orders and transfer for the Include prompt,
enter the shipping warehouse or from warehouse to update for.

The codes must already be on file in Warehouse F/M on the IC Infrequent File Maintenance menu. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal you are using.
Press F3 to default to ALL initiating warehouses. Press F4 orto backup.

6. Beginning Date

Enter the beginning date to update. Orders or backorders that have a requested date before the entered date are not updated. F1 defaults to FIRST.

7. Ending Date

Enter the ending date to update. Orders or backorders that have a requested date after the entered date are not updated. F1 defaults to LAST.

8. Route

If the Use Routes flag is deselected in SO Static Control, this field is disabled. Enter up to 18 three-character route codes side by side for which orders are to be updated. The codes must already be set up in Route F/M on the SO Infrequent File Maintenance menu. Question marks are used as wild cards; i.e., entry of the first two route characters and a question mark displays all routes beginning with those two characters. F2 or allows a search.

If the Include prompt is not "S" for sales orders or "B" for both, the Route prompt will be disabled. Of course the existing check for Use Routes from the SO Static will be maintained.

9. Doc Type

Indicate whether to commit O-open orders, B-backorders or A-all orders.

10. Priority

Indicates the priority to use when committing items: N-normal, R-rush and/or H-service hold orders. Press F3 or the icon to default to All.

If you include "R-rush orders" in the priority selection, rush orders are processed before the normal and/or service hold orders.

11Print Status

Enter the print status to use for the commit quantities scope: Commit quantities on documents that have Not been printed, commit quantities on documents that are Ready for reprinting, commit quantities on documents that are TR-already printed, or commit quantities on All order/backorder documents that are ready for reprinting. The program defaults to N-documents that have not been printed.

12. Print Pick Tickets

Indicate whether to print pick tickets for orders being committed.

If the Include prompt
is not "S" for sales orders or "B" for both, the Print Pick Tickets, Printer, and Print if not Ready prompts are disabled.

13. Printer

Enter the code for the printer to use. If the Print Pick Tickets prompt is set to "No", this prompt is disabled.A printer is the only valid option for this field; you cannot select viewer, fax or file for printing.

Note: If the Print Pick Tickets prompt is "No", this prompt is disabled. If the pick ticket quantity is "Ordered" in the SO Static Control file, this prompt is not displayed. If the new "Allow Print if not Complete" field from SO Static Control file is "No", this field is set to "N" and disabled.

For Job stream processing, if the system can’t access the pick ticket printer , the system logs the errors, and skips the pick ticket print.

14. Print if Not Ready

Indicate whether to print orders that are not yet available to ship. Refer to the Ship Complete Feature Overview topic for details.

15. Print Transfer Tickets

Indicate whether to print transfer tickets for orders being committed.

If the Include prompt is not "T" for transfers or "B" for both, the Print Pick Tickets and Printer prompts are disabled.

16. Printer

Enter the code for the printer to use. A printer is the only valid option for this field; you cannot select viewer, fax or file for printing.

See Also

How to commit backordered quantities