Purchase Line Entry (ICE920)

Use the Purchase Line Entry (ICE920) program to group together items you usually buy together. The path to the program is Inventory Control>File Maintenances>Purchase Line Entry (ICE920).

A Purchase Line is for a range of items from a particular vendor and its parameters can be defined either at the Purchase Line or Warehouse / PLine level. In Replenishment Parameter Maintenance, an item’s parameters can be entered and the appropriate scope level is chosen during entry. Depending on the scope selected, a set of parameters can apply to a range of items. For example, an item can be selected by entering its part number, and then the scope can be set to the Purchase Line for the item. All items that are members of the Purchasing Line would then have the settings applied according to the hierarchy.

You can edit existing purchase line, add purchase lines, and change the primary vendor for an item that may exist on another purchase line.

Purchase Line Entry ties into fields in Item F/M (ICF910). Purchase Line Entry sets purchase line information for an item for a vendor. This information overrides the vendor defined in Item F/M & over writes it in the Item file. If you modify the primary vendor on a purchase line, the vendor is updated for all of the items on that purchasing line.

See also

Adding purchase lines

Deleting items from purchasing lines

Updating the vendor for an item on a purchase line