1. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse where the item is stocked. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F1 to allow multiple warehouses to be entered. Press F4 to end warehouse fields.
If entering multiple warehouses: Use arrow keys to navigate through the warehouse list. Press Enter (CR) to select the warehouse as each one is highlighted. Each selected warehouse will have an asterisk to the right of the line number. When all warehouses have been selected, press F3 to end entries. All selected warehouse numbers will display at the Warehouse field.
In the General section of the screen, enter information about the item in the specified warehouse or warehouses.
2. Primary Location
Enter the primary (bin) location of the item in the warehouse, e.g., where the item is stored in this warehouse (up to 6 characters).
3. Commit by Other Whses
Indicate whether to Y - allow other warehouses to commit this item, N - not to allow other warehouses to commit this item or A - allow other warehouses to commit this item only with approval. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.
4. Next Physical
Enter the date of the next physical inventory for this item in this warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to default to 01/01/00.
5. Usage Method
The usage method for the item (Forward, Backward or Trend) in the restocking warehouse displays based on the replenishment controls set in Replenish Parameter Maintenance. (This setting can be also modified in Replenish Parameter Maintenance.)
6. Use Ledgercards
If ledgercards are not used (set in the IC Static Control Record), this field is skipped. Indicate whether to store ledgercards for this item in the warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value from IC Static Control, Use Ledgercards flag.
In the Restocking section of the screen, enter restocking information about the item in the specified warehouse or warehouses.
7.Restocking Warehouse
Enter the warehouse from which the item is normally restocked. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Pressing Press Enter (CR) to default to blanks indicating the restocking path is normally direct from the vendor and not from a warehouse from within the company. This field is checked when this item is being ordered for this warehouse. If the normal restocking path is not being used, a message is displayed to warn the user; however, the program will continue.
After entering warehouse information, a Warehouse Item Record will be created for each warehouse selected.
After you save the warehouse information you can highlight a warehouse in the browser and select the Edit icon to enter alternate bin locations for the item in the warehouse.
To enter alternate bin locations for the highlighted warehouse line select the Alt Locations button. The system displays the Alternate Location Entry dialog box to add or edit the up to five alternate bin locations for this item/whse combination.