Entering replenishment parameters: Alert on Usage Alert Settings

  1. Access Replenishment Parameter Maintenance. The complete path is Inventory Control>File Maintenances>Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
  2. Specify the defining parameters for the item: You can enter a warehouse, from warehouse vendor, purchasing line and/or item combination. Note: The scope for an item ideally should be least to most specific. When possible, parameters should be set according to the hierarchy: Company, Warehouse, Vendor, Purchasing Line, Item, Warehouse / Item and avoid specific items settings.
  3. In the Show drop down, specify Summary to view all of the effective parameters entered for the parameters set in the system and Detail to display overrides for only those parameter options that can be defined for the warehouse, from warehouse, vendor, purchasing line and/or item combination entered in step 2.
  4. In the Parameter Options Line browser, select the Replenishment Parameter “Usage Alert Settings”.
  5. Select Edit.
  6. (Optional) To modify the scope of the item’s parameter, select Change Scope and specify Warehouse, Vendor, Purchasing Line, Item or Whse/Item as appropriate and select Apply. Note: The settings for this parameter can be defined at any level in the replenishment parameter hierarchy.
  7. When the system asks if you want to change to a more specific scope, click Yes.
  8. In the Usage Months field specify the number of month usage to average when checking for abnormal usage.
  9. In the High Usage Multiplier field specify the value for the multiplier when calculating high usage. If the current month’s usage is higher than the calculated average multiplied by this multiplier, it is considered high.
  10. In the Low Usage Multiplier field specify the value for the multiplier when calculating low usage. If the current month’s usage is lower than the calculated average multiplied by this multiplier, it is considered low.
  11. (Optional) In the Expiration Date field you can specify the expiration date if you have modified the scope of the parameter to narrow it from the company defaults.
  12. (Optional) In the Memo field specify the optional memo for the usage alert setting.
  13. (Optional) You can specify additional replenishment parameters as needed.
  14. Select Exit when you are done.
  15. Note: This minimum setting will not impact a higher calculated order point from becoming effective for an item.



See Also

Alerts Parameter Procedures

Usage Parameter Procedures

Safety Stock Parameter Procedures

Order Point Parameter Procedures

Order Quantity Parameter Procedures

Lead Time Parameter Procedures

Review Cycle Parameter Procedures

Frozen Controls Parameter Procedures