Entering replenishment parameters: Review Cycle
For Review Cycle an additional From Warehouse parameter is available in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance. Therefore, it doesn’t fit in the “normal” hierarchy, but rather has its own unique settings for Review Cycle. The hierarchy that the system uses for Review Cycle is as follows:
Warehouse + From Warehouse
Warehouse + Vendor
Warehouse + Purchasing Line
Purchasing line is the most unique, and Vendor and From Warehouse are at the same “level”.The From Warehouse is used for Transfers and Vendor is used for Purchase Orders. Purchasing Line is only used for Purchase Orders as well.
- Access Replenishment Parameter Maintenance. The complete path is Inventory Control>File Maintenances>Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
- Specify the defining parameters for the item: You can enter a warehouse, from warehouse vendor, purchasing line and/or item combination. Note: The scope for an item ideally should be least to most specific. When possible, parameters should be set according to the hierarchy: Company, Warehouse, From Warehouse, Vendor, Purchasing Line, Item, Warehouse / Item and avoid specific items settings.
- In the Show drop down, specify Summary to view all of the effective parameters entered for the parameters set in the system and Detail to display overrides for only those parameter options that can be defined for the warehouse, from warehouse, vendor, purchasing line and/or item combination entered in step 2.
- In the Parameter Options Line browser, select the Replenishment Parameter “Review Cycle”.
- Select Edit.
- (Optional) To modify the scope of the item’s parameter, select Change Scope and specify Warehouse, From Warehouse, Vendor, Purchasing Line, Item or Whse/Item as appropriate and select Apply. Note: The scope can be defined as follows: Warehouse/Vendor, Warehouse/Purchasing Line, Warehouse/From Warehouse/Purchasing Line. The settings for this parameter cannot be defined at the company level in the replenishment parameter hierarchy. When the system asks if you want to change to a more specific scope, click Yes.
- Specify the buyer code to indicate which person in your company is responsible for purchasing from a vendor or group of vendors. These codes are optional, and they can be created and maintained in the PO Buyer Code F/M (Purchase Orders>File Maintenances>Buyer Code F/M).
- Specify the current review cycle in number of days (0-999). For example, if the current review cycle is 30 days, the frequency with which you order from the supplier is every 30 days.
- Specify the minimum review cycle in number of days (0-999). This is the least the current days could be set to by the Vendor Review Cycle Reset program.
- Specify the maximum review cycle in number of days (1-999). This is the most the current days could be set to by the Vendor Review Cycle Reset program.
- Specify the buying target dollar amount (0-9999999); i.e., what dollar figure you need to order from the supplier to receive a discount, take a rebate, etc., if applicable. Press Enter to default to 0.
- Specify the buying target in pounds (lb.) (0-99999); i.e., how many pounds you need to order from the supplier to receive a discount, take a rebate, etc., if applicable. Press Enter to default to 0.
- (Optional) Specify a descriptive requirements memo (up to 30 characters).
- (Optional) You can specify additional replenishment parameters as needed.
- Select Exit when you are done.
See Also
Alerts Parameter Procedures
Usage Parameter Procedures
Safety Stock Parameter Procedures
Order Point Parameter Procedures
Order Quantity Parameter Procedures
Lead Time Parameter Procedures
Review Cycle Parameter Procedures
Frozen Controls Parameter Procedures