Replenishment Parameter Maintenance

The Replenishment Parameter Maintenance program allows the buyer to configure the procurement calculations. Based on the selections, the scope of the setting will be indicated in the Scope Listing. For example, a Purchase Line is for a range of items from a particular vendor and its parameters can be defined either at the Purchase Line or Warehouse / PLine level. The desired replenishment scope is selected by entering Warehouse, Vendor, Purchase Line or Item.

An item’s parameters can be entered and the appropriate scope level is chosen during entry. Depending on the scope selected, a set of parameters can apply to a range of items. For example, an item can be selected by entering its part number, and then the scope can be set to the Purchase Line for the item. All items that are members of the Purchasing Line would then have the settings applied according to the hierarchy. The settings for an item, or other scope level, and their inherited settings can be viewed by scrolling through the parameter options line view. This view displays the category, title, current applied source and the expiration date and memo. The view supplies a quick reference allowing a buyer to update parameter settings and apply a new scope as needed. If the scope is no longer needed and is deleted, or has expired, the next scope level settings will be viewed in the line view.



See Also

Replenishment Parameter Maintenance Procedures

Replenishment Variables Calculations

Inventory Control Replenishment Parameters

Replenishment Parameters Overview