Use this program to enter confirmation of transfers received into the TO warehouse. The confirmation process involves confirming that a transfer ticket (or a portion of it) was received. Once a transfer receipt is confirmed, it is ready to print on the next Receiving Register.
You can access the ticket by ticket number or warehouse. If accessing by warehouse, enter the warehouse to display tickets for. Transfer tickets are displayed in summary so the user may select the ticket to confirm.
The summary screen displays the line number, ticket number, status of ticket (Transferred or Received), entry date, requested date, FROM warehouse, TO warehouse and reference.
The transfer ticket to confirm receipt is displayed in a format similar to that used in the Shipment Confirmation program. The user has the option of changing, adding to or removing line-items at any time.
Note: When you modify transfer ticket header information in the Receipt Confirmation program, you cannot modify the shipped or requested dates in the header date.
During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for transfer ticket headers, lines and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of Transfer Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from IC Transfer Entry Programs topic for additional details.
The Receipt Confirmation (ICE340) program does not allow confirmation of received orders that belong to a Radio Beacon controlled warehouse. That process is done by the upload stock receipts program.
Access this program by choosing Inventory Control -->Warehouse Transfers -->Receipt Confirmation.
1. Ticket
Enter the transfer ticket number. Press F2 or the
icon to search for tickets.
The system displays the following information from the transfer ticket: To Warehouse, ticket number, shipping number, transfer ticket date, transfer ticket request date, and the date the ticket was shipped.
For transfer tickets with status of received, the system displays the From warehouse and enables the Ship Via and Received prompts so you can modify these fields.
For transfer tickets with status of transferred, the system displays receiving prompts below:
2. Receive Date
Enter the received date, or press F4 to backup
3. Assume Receipt
Enter Y or N to indicate whether to assume receipt. Entering Y sets number of units received for each item to the shipped amount. Entering N sets the number of units received to zero. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y.
The optional prompts are then available:
4. . Ship Via
Enter the method of shipment (up to 15 characters).
5. Reference #
Enter the method of shipment (up to 15 characters).
This concludes the header portion of the Receipt Confirmation program. When you enter a ticket number, the program reads to see if there is more than one open receipt for this ticket. If there is only one shipment number with a document status of "T-Transferred", "R-Received" or "U-Updated", then the document displays in the program.
If there is more than one, all the open receipts display and you can select which one to edit. If the receipt is already updated, the system displays the screen in view-only mode and no data is modifiable on the receipt.
If you selected Assume Receipt, the system displays the Serial # Entry screen. Refer to the Serial/Lot Item Entry in Receipt Confirmation topic for field details.
If you did not select Assume Receipt, select the transfer line to confirm or modify, if there is more than one.
6. Item Number
Select the item number to be confirmed by doubly clicking or highlighting the line item and selecting the
If the item does not update inventory (as set by the IC Control flag), the following message will display: "This is an uninventoried item. Cannot Transfer. CR-Continue". If the item is inventoried, but does not exist in the specified warehouse, the following message will display: "Item must be in the ‘to’ warehouse. CR-Continue".
The system displays Descriptions 1 and 2, the amount of inventory to backorder, the number of units (per stocking unit of measure) received, the in-transit quantity, and the shipped quantity for the item.
Refer to the fields below for definitions:
7. Backordered Quantity (display only)
This is the amount still remaining to be shipped to the "To" warehouse. It is the current requested quantity on the open shipment request, if it still exists, converted to the UM of the receipt.
8. Total Received Quantity (display only)
This is the amount that has been received so far by the "To" warehouse. It is the total received from the line totals file plus the received quantity of all receipts (document type = "R") with a status of "R" (not including the document currently being edited). The totals will be accumulated in the smallest UM then converted to the UM of the receipt.
9. In Transit Quantity (display only)
This is the amount that has been shipped by the "From" warehouse but not yet received by the "To" warehouse. It is the shipped quantity of all receipts (document type = "R") with a status of "T" (not including the document currently being edited). The totals will be accumulated in the smallest UM then converted to the UM of the receipt.
10. Shipped Quantity (display only)
The system displays. If the "Allow Over Commitment" flag in the IC Static Control file is set to "N", the shipped plus committed quantity cannot be greater than the available. If the "Allow Negative On Hand" flag in the IC Static Control file is set to "N", the shipped quantity cannot be greater than the on hand.
The system displays the optional Warehouse Quantities Window, which displays the "from" and "to" warehouse on hand, on order, committed, available, backordered quantities based on settings in IC Transfer Entry Options F/M (ICF978).
11. Received Quantity
Enter the received quantity for the item.
12. Unit of Measure (display only)
The system displays the unit of measure for the transfer item.
The system displays the optional Warehouse Quantities Window, which displays the "from" and "to" warehouse on hand, on order, committed, available, backordered quantities based on settings in IC Transfer Entry Options F/M (ICF978). When adding a line, the committed and backordered will be calculated based on the available quantity.
13. Discrepancy G/L#
If the number received is not equal to the number shipped, the user must enter a discrepancy G/L# to post the discrepancy to. Press Enter (CR) to default to the discrepancy number in the GL posting table assigned to the item.
This concludes an entry in the line-item portion of the Receipt Confirmation program.
You can
Serial/Lot Item Entry in Receipt Confirmation
During the process of displaying line-items, if an item is a serial/lot item, proceed to field #4. If items are not serial/lot items, field #4 is skipped.
14. Serial/Lot Number
Enter the serial/lot number for the line item.
The serial/lot information for each line is displayed as it was entered in the Shipment Confirmation (ICE330) program.
15. Prompt Selection Field Options
After you complete the header entry of the ticket to confirm receipt, you can select the options below to perform the following functions:
Edit- Changes or deletes a line-item. If the number received is not equal to the number shipped, the user must enter a discrepancy G/L# to post the discrepancy to. Press Enter (CR) to default to the discrepancy number in the GL posting table assigned to the item.
Add -Adds line-items. Enter the item number and quantity to confirm.
From within Add mode, you can select:
Insert a line-item above the highlighted line item.
Delete the highlighted entry.
Complete line item entry.
Saves you line item changes.
I- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in line item browser.
D - Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer header record specified in the program.
L - Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer line record highlighted in the line item browser.
F2 or the Change Header button--Accesses the Header detail for changes.
F3 or the Done button- Accesses the ending routine
S or the Stop Conf button-Stops confirmation. Confirmation may be stopped prior to completion. Changes to the transfer ticket are not recorded. If the original status of the document was "T" the "Stop Confirmation" button will be available. If you select Stop Confirmation, the options will be to "Yes" stop confirmation or "No" do not stop confirmation. If you select Yes, the system resets the received quantities to zero.
If the original status of the transfer ticket was "R", then the "Stop Confirmation" button will not be available.
Update Updates the inventory quantities. The receipt will not longer be editable. If you select to update, the system prompts for the password if necessary and then given an "attention" message stating that proceeding will update the inventory quantities and the receipt will not longer be editable. You can select to continue with the update or cancel.
Receipt Confirmation Entry Update Option Details
The system evaluates the IC Static Control fields Update in Receipt Confirmation, Update Security Code and Password Override to determine whether or not to displays the update option.
The update option will be available based on the following: