Shipment Confirmation (ICE 330)

How To

Use this program to enter confirmation of transfers out of the FROM warehouse. The confirmation process involves confirming that a transfer ticket (or a portion of it) was shipped. Once a transfer ticket is confirmed, it is ready to print on the next Shipment Register.

During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for transfer ticket headers, lines and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of Transfer Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from IC Transfer Entry Programs topic for additional details.

EWMS Processing Note

The Shipment Confirmation (ICE330) program does not allow confirmation of shipped orders that belong to a Radio Beacon controlled warehouse. That process is done by the upload stock picks program.


Returns Processing for Serial/Lot Items: Serial/lot numbers to be transferred to the consolidation warehouse for returns to the vendor are displayed from the CRS serial/lot file. You cannot change or delete the serial/lot numbers here.

Access this program by choosing Inventory Control -->Warehouse Transfers -->Shipment Confirmation.

Use the following fields to enter shipment confirmations:

1. Whse/Ticket

You can access the ticket by ticket number or warehouse. If accessing by warehouse enter the warehouse to display tickets for. You can then select F2 to search for transfer tickets in the specified warehouse. Transfer tickets are displayed in summary so you can select the ticket to confirm. The summary screen displays the line number, ticket number, status of ticket (E-entered, P-printed or S-shipped), entry date, requested date, FROM warehouse, TO warehouse and reference.

The transfer ticket to be confirmed is displayed in a format similar to that used in the Transfer Ticket Entry program.

This concludes the header portion of the Shipment Confirmation program. The ticket number displays next to the "To Whse" prompt. If the document is rush or service hold, this also displays. If the document status is "E-entered", the system displays the message: "Ticket not yet printed. Confirm anyway?" and be allowed to continue with the confirmation process or cancel and return to the ticket number field. If the document status is "E-entered" or "P-printed", the system displays the following prompts:

2. Shipped

Enter the shipped date for the transfer or press F4 to backup.

3. Assume Shipment Prompt

Assume shipment of committed. You can select from:

Y Assume shipment of all committed quantities

N Do not assume shipment, backorder all committed quantities

C Do not assume shipment, leave all lines committed

B Confirm shipment of committed line by line

The program automatically displays the line-items. If you select Options:

Y Assume shipment of all committed quantities, N Do not assume shipment, backorder all committed quantities, or C Do not assume shipment, leave all lines committed, the system completed the requested activity.

If you select
B--Confirm shipment of committed line by line, the system displays a dialog box for the line where you can select the confirmation method. At the Confirmation method field select from
Y—Ship the committed quantity.
N—Do not ship, backorder the committed quantity.
C—Do not ship, leave the committed quantity.
S—Ship this line and remaining lines.
B—Backorder this line and remaining line
L—Leave this line and remaining lines committed.

To add a line item, select the Add icon and complete the following:

4. Item Number

Enter the item number to be transferred. The system displays Descriptions 1 and 2. If the From warehouse is not the To warehouse’s normal restocking path, the system displays an indicator message. If this item has a normal stocking path direct from the vendor, the system displays an indicator message --press Enter (CR) to continue.

You can also create a special order by entering
S as the item number, and pressing F1. For special orders, complete the following:
1. Enter the sales order number containing the items to be transferred for this special order. The number entered must be a valid sales order number. Press
F2 or the Special Item Search button to perform a special item search, i.e., searching sales orders with special order items.
2. Enter the line number of the sales order that contains the item number to transfer. The number of units (per stocking unit of measure) is automatically entered under units from the number of units on order or backorder from the sales order and line number entered.

Sales Order Line Number Processing Details:

F3 to advance to the prompt-selection field.

F4 to remove the line and backs up to the previous line number.

5Requested Quantity

Enter the number of units (per stocking unit of measure) to transfer. If you set up multiple units of measure on the Item F/M screen for the item entered, you can press F2 or the Change UM button to change the unit of measure. If available is less than requested, then the system displays a message with the option to continue or cancel.

6. Unit of Measure

Enter the unit of measure for the transfer item. Press F2 to change the UM. The UM must be valid for stocking - all quantities will be converted when the UM is changed

The system displays the optional Warehouse Quantities Window, which displays the "from" and "to" warehouse on hand, on order, committed, available, backordered quantities based on settings in IC Transfer Entry Options F/M (ICF978). When adding a line, the committed and backordered will be calculated based on the available quantity.

7 Shipped Quantity

Enter the shipped quantity for the item. If the "Allow Over Commitment" flag in the IC Static Control file is set to "N", the shipped plus committed quantity cannot be greater than the available. If the "Allow Negative On Hand" flag in the IC Static Control file is set to "N", the shipped quantity cannot be greater than the on hand.

8. Committed Quantity

Enter the amount of inventory to commit. If the "Allow Over Commitment" flag in the IC Static Control file is set to "N", the committed plus shipped quantity cannot be greater than the available. When a line is being added or changed, the user will enter the requested quantity and then how much of that is committed and how much is backordered. When adding a line, the requested quantity must be greater than zero. When editing the line, the requested quantity can be changed to zero to indicate that no more shipments of this line will be taking place. The requested, committed and backordered quantities cannot be negative. The committed plus backordered quantities must add up to the requested quantity for the line to be saved.

9. Backordered Quantity

Enter the amount of inventory to backorder. If the item in inactive, it cannot be backordered and it cannot commit more than is available.

This concludes an entry in the line-item portion of the Transfer Ticket Entry program. The running total of the number of units and weight is updated and displays in the header. The line number is incremented by one and the program returns to the item field for the next line-item entry. Press F3 or the End button to end line-item entry

Serial/Lot Items

During the process of displaying line-items, if an item is a serial/lot item, proceed to field #5. If items are not serial/lot items, field #5 is skipped.

10. Serial/Lot Number Entry

If no items shipped are serial/lot items, this field is skipped. Enter the serial/lot number of the items to be shipped. The entry must be a valid serial/lot number. Press F2 to search. Enter the quantity (if a serial number, 1 is entered automatically). The undistributed amount must equal zero in order to ship all units. The undistributed is displayed. Press F3 to end entries. If the undistributed is not equal to 0, the amount left undistributed is set to 0 and reduces the units by the undistributed amount.

image\pinpurpl_shg.gif You now have the ability to cost serial and lot items by the system cost (costing method for the module). The feature provides for GAAP compliance. For the FACTS SO, IC and MC modules, you can decide if the cost for serial and lot items will be averaged actual (as it has always operated in the past) or system cost (costing method for the module). The default setting for each Static Control F/M is A-Averaged Actual (same behavior as they have before the monthly is applied). Users who want to take advantage of this change will need to change the option to S-System Cost for each of the applicable modules. The net result of selecting S-System Cost is that serial/lot items will be costed like non-serial/lot items. The results of this program are affected by this selection.

11Upon completion of the display of line-items, you can perform the following functions:

Add line-items. Enter the item number and quantity to confirm.
You can press
F2 to perform an item search or press F3 to end line item entry. If the item does not update inventory (as set by the IC Control flag), the following message will display: "This is an uninventoried item. Cannot Transfer. CR-Continue". If the item is inventoried, but does not exist in the specified warehouse, the following message will display: "Item must be in the ‘from’ warehouse. CR-Continue".

From Add mode, you can enter
M to enter a memo, S to import a line from a sales order, or press F2 to perform a special item search.

Insert a line-item above the highlighted line item.

Edit the highlighted line-item.

Deletes the highlighted entry.

IAccesses Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in line item browser.

D - Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer header record specified in the program.

L - Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer line record highlighted in the line item browser.

Header button-Accesses the Header Detail screen where you modify the header information.

Done button or F3-Accesses the ending routine.

Stop Conf button-Stops confirmation. Confirmation may be stopped prior to completion. If you stop confirmation, the system does not record changes to the transfer ticket.

12. The ending routine allows the user to press Enter (CR) to continue, concluding the confirmation of the transfer ticket. The screen is cleared of field information and the program returns to field #1. Press F4 to back up to the prompt-selection field.

See Also

How to confirm shipments