Cost Discrepancy Entry (ICE610)

Use Cost Discrepancy Entry (ICE610) to identify and correct documents that have been updated with the wrong cost. The receipt record (ICRCPT) will be updated immediately so that any further disbursements of that receipt will be at the correct cost. The General Ledger is updated when the Cost Discrepancy Register is run.

Some examples of cost discrepancies are:

Receipt of inventory at wrong cost

Unexpected freight on a purchase order

Invoice from vendor differs from cost on PO

Note that existing records in the cost discrepancy file will not be editable again. The update process occurs in this entry program so the records cannot be changed after that. This processing is similar to the Adjustment Entry (ICE210) program.

For serial/lot lines, the cost discrepancy update will be extended to each serial/lot number, but you cannot change cost separately for each serial number.If any cost discrepancies have been entered, but not posted, you must run Cost Discrepancy Register before you can close the GL or IC period.

If the costing method is anything other than LIFO or FIFO, no cost changes will be made to the past documents that make up the disbursements.

In the header portion of the program, enter the warehouse and the document type: PO – PO Receipt, TR – Transfer Receipt, AD – Adjustment, MC – Bill of Materials, MF – Formulation or SO – Sales Order/Credit Memo. For document types except adjustments, enter the Doc ID/#and for PO receipts, transfer receipts or sales orders/credit memos enter the Receipt/Ship#/Invoice#. For adjustments, enter the item number and date of the adjustment. The total cost amount to factor for the document and memo are displayed. Specify the factor type—by weight, cost or units. In the browser, all of inventory lines for the selected document are displayed. For Adjustments a single line is displayed in the browser.

You can edit an inventory line for the new unit cost and any memo to explain the change. The browser display includes the Item number and description as well as quantity and unit of measure, Current Unit Cost, New Unit Cost Unit Cost Difference, the Total Cost Difference, and memo.