For the following defined scenarios, the system will generate an alert for handling in the Exception Control Center (ECC) program, according to the hierarchy defined in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
Alert on Non-Replenishment Items with Hits
Alert on Product Arriving Too Early/Too Late for Demand
Alert on Calculated VS. Frozen Order Point / Line Point / Order Quantity Variance
Alert on Unconfirmed Purchase Orders
Alert for Purchase Orders Past Promise Date
The term “frozen” is defined as any parameter that will not be updated by a system process and is either unchanging or under manual control. For an item with parameters expiring, the number of months for Unfreezing will be used to generate the alert in the appropriate time period. A parameter is expiring if it has an expiration date and is not able to be set as frozen. Freezes on controls always have an associated expiration date, after which, the system begins or resumes automatic updates to the control.
Alert on Expiring Parameters | Indicates whether an alert should be raised prior to a freeze on a control expiring |
Months Before Expiration | The number of months prior to the expiration to raise the alert. |
This alert can be set at any of the levels in the replenishment parameter hierarchy.
The term “hits” refers to an item appearing on a sales order, transfer or other document that would record usage for the item.
If an item is set to not be replenished, it may be important to know that an increased level of activity is occurring with this item so it can be reevaluated. Special order or discontinued items are just a few of the examples of items that can be flagged in the system and a buyer alerted to this activity allowing the item to be addressed accordingly. The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
This alert can be set at any of the levels in the replenishment parameter hierarchy.
Alert on Non-Replenishment Items with Hits | Indicates whether an alert should be generated |
Number of Hits | The # of document hits needed for an alert to be raised |
Number of Months | The # months back to look for hits |
If an item has frozen controls and that item has the indicated # of document hits in the # months specified (going back from today), an alert will be raised.
Tech note: For this alert, references will be made to the warehouse / item combination and the event trigger will be recorded as the date of the last hit. This method will allow future alerts to be generated as needed by the alert system and prevent repetitious alerts in the Exception Control Center.
When determining abnormal usage for a warehouse/item, you can specify whether to be notified when a value falls outside a high and low usage amount. Then an alert can be generated to review the usage.
Usage Months | The number of month usage to average when checking for abnormal usage |
High Usage Multiplier | The value for the multiplier when calculating high usage. If the current month’s usage is higher than the calculated average multiplied by this multiplier, it is considered high. |
Low Usage Multiplier | The value for the multiplier when calculating low usage. If the current month’s usage is higher than the calculated average multiplied by this multiplier, it is considered low. |
Expiration Date | The expiration date for the usage settings to expire. |
Memo | Usually a brief explanation for why the multiplier is in place |
A warehouse/item can arrive too early or too late to fulfill demand for that item. If an item is going to arrive out of synch with demand, it may be important to know that an alternate fulfillment process may be needed with this item so it can be reevaluated. You can specify the days too or early or late to send an alert on a product’s arrival. The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
Alert on Product to Arriving Too Early/Too Late for Demand | Indicates whether an alert should be raised when a product arrives too or early or late for demand |
Too Early Days | The value for the number of days too early that the product arrives. |
Too Late Days | The value for the number of days too late that the product arrives. |
Memo | Usually a brief explanation for why the alert is in place |
The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
A warehouse/item can have its Order Point, Line Point and/or Order Quantity set and frozen with an expiration date for the freeze. You can raise an alert when the warehouse/item’s calculated order point, line point or order quantity differ from the frozen order point, line point or order quantity values set here. The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
Alert on Variances Exceeding These Limits | Indicates whether an alert should be raised when a product exceeds the specified limits. |
Variance Exceeding Value can be in Units/ Cost / Percent | |
Once the variance between the Calculated verses Frozen parameter below exceeds the limit value an alert will be raised. | |
Order Point | The variance value for the order point |
Line Point | The variance value for the line point |
Order Quantity | The variance value for the order quantity |
Expiration Date | The date the variances expire |
Memo | Usually a brief explanation for why the alert is in place |
The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
A warehouse/item can have its Order Point, Line Point and/or Order Quantity set and frozen with an expiration date for the freeze. You can raise an alert when the warehouse/item’s calculated order point, line point or order quantity differ from the frozen order point, line point or order quantity values set here. The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
Alert on Variances Exceeding These Limits | Indicates whether an alert should be raised when a product exceeds the specified limits. |
Variance Exceeding Value can be in Units/ Cost / Percent | |
Once the variance between the Calculated verses Frozen parameter below exceeds the limit value an alert will be raised. | |
Order Point | The variance value for the order point |
Line Point | The variance value for the line point |
Order Quantity | The variance value for the order quantity |
Expiration Date | The date the variances expire |
Memo | Usually a brief explanation for why the alert is in place |
When a purchase order goes unconfirmed, it can lead to replenishment issues. If an item is not replenished in a timely manner, it may be important to know that it may be late so it can be reevaluated. The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
Alert on Unconfirmed Purchase Orders | Indicates whether an alert should be raised for purchase orders that have not been confirmed in a specified number of days. |
Number of Days | The number of days a purchase order can go unconfirmed after printing and generate an alert. |
Expiration Date | The date the variances expire |
Memo | Usually a brief explanation for why the alert is in place |
When a purchase order goes past its promise date, it can lead to replenishment issues. If an item is not replenished in a timely manner, it may be important to know that it may be late so it can be reevaluated. The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
Alert on Purchase Orders Past Promise Date | Indicates whether an alert should be raised for purchase orders that have exceeded their promise date. |
Number of Days | The number of days past the promise date for a purchase order to generate an alert. |
Memo | Usually a brief explanation for why the alert is in place |
The term “hits” refers to an item appearing on a sales order, transfer or other document that would record usage for the item. You can indicate whether FACTS should evaluate usage method settings and recommend changes based on usage. If an item is set to not be replenished, it may be important to know that an increased level of activity is occurring with this item so it can be reevaluated. Seasonal items are items that can be flagged in the system and a buyer alerted to this activity allowing the item to be addressed accordingly. The values defined in this section indicate under what circumstances alerts will be generated for this scenario.
Percentage of Hits | The percentage of hits that must occur in the specified number of months for the item’s usage method to be ‘trend”. |
Number of Months | The value for the number of months to use for the item’s usage method to be ‘trend”. |
Prior Year H | The value for the hits the item must have had last year to be for its usage method to be evaluated. |
Current Year H | The value for the hits the item must have this year to be for its usage method to be evaluated. |
Memo | Usually a brief explanation for why the alert is in place |
See Also
Replenishment Parameter Maintenance Procedures