The Replenishment system alerts are listed below. To add a subscription for an alert using the Manage Alert Subscriptions (ALE105) screen, specify the Available Subscription values listed for the specific alert you are subscribing to.
IC-5HI 5Hi Max Dollar Increase Exceeded
The cost associated with increasing the calculated order point to the average of the 5 highest shipment quantities exceeded the limits of the increase as established in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-ABLTPO Abnormal Lead Time on a PO
A new receipt of a PO had a lead time that is abnormally high or low based on the settings in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Vendor
IC-ABLTTR Abnormal Lead Time on a Transfer
A new receipt of a warehouse transfer had a lead time that is abnormally high or low based on the settings in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance
Available Subscription values: To Warehouse, From Warehouse
IC-ABUSAGE Abnormal Usage
Usage for the last 30 days is abnormally high or low based on the settings in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-ASQ ASQ Max Dollar Increase Exceeded
The cost associated with increasing the calculated order point to the average shipment quantity exceeded the limits of the increase as established in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-AVGLTV Average Lead Time Limits Applied to Vendor
A new PO was received, and when the new average lead time was calculated, it was outside the limits established in Replenishment Parameters Maintenance
Available Subscription values: Vendor, Warehouse, Item
IC-AVGLTW Average Lead Time Limits Applied to Warehouse
A new transfer was received, and when the new average lead time was calculated, it was outside the limits established in Replenishment Parameters Maintenance
Available Subscription values: From Warehouse, To Warehouse, Item
IC-CALCVAR Calculated Value Deviates from Frozen Value
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-EXPIRE Replenishment Parameters Expiring or Unfreezing
A parameter in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance is soon to expire or unfreeze and should be evaluated prior to the expiration date
Available Subscription values: To Warehouse, Purchasing Line, From Warehouse, Item
IC-MAXRCV Max Review Cycle for a Vendor has Been Exceeded
Max Review Cycle Exceeded, Vendor Based on the last purchase order date, it is past time to reorder from this vendor. The maximum review cycle, set in Replenish Parameters F/M, has been exceeded.
Based on the last purchase order date, it is past time to reorder from this vendor. The maximum review cycle, set in Replenish Parameters F/M, has been exceeded.
Available Subscription values: To Warehouse, Vendor, Purchasing Line
IC-MAXRCW Max Review Cycle for a Restocking Warehouse Has Been Exceeded
The last time a transfer was made exceeded the Maximum Review Cycle
Available Subscription values: To Warehouse, From Warehouse
IC-NRWHITS Non-Replenished Item with Hits
An item that is not being replenished has been receiving hits.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-PASTPD PO Past Promise Date
An existing purchase order is past the established promised date and has not been received yet
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Vendor, Ship From
IC-POCONF Unconfirmed PO
A purchase order remains unconfirmed after the time limit established in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Vendor
IC-POEARLY PO to Arrive Too Early
When this PO arrives, there will already be enough available stock to exceed the # days supply specified in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-POLATE PO to Arrive too Late for Demand
By the time the PO arrives, this item will have been stocked out for more than the number of days specified in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-RCTR Missing Warehouse Transfer Review Cycle Record
There are replenished items in the warehouse setup to be transferred from another warehouse, but there is no review cycle record for that restocking warehouse setup in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance.
Available Subscription values: To Warehouse, From Warehouse
IC-SEAS Seasonality/Trend Flag Questionable
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-STKOUT Item Stock Has Been Exhausted in this Warehouse
A new transaction for this item has caused the available stock in this warehouse to fall to or below zero.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-STLSPO Special Order Suggested PO is Stale
A special order suggested PO remains unaddressed (not pulled onto a document) past the allowable number of days.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Vendor, Item
IC-STLSTR Special Order Suggested Transfer is Stale
A special order suggested transfer remains unaddressed (not pulled onto a document) past the allowable number of days.
Available Subscription values: To Warehouse, From Warehouse, Item
IC-TREARLY Transfer to Arrive Too Early
When this transfer arrives, there will already be enough available stock to exceed the # days supply specified in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-TRLATE Transfer to Arrive too Late for Demand
By the time the transfer arrives, this item will have been stocked out for more than the number of days specified in Replenishment Parameter Maintenance
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-TRNDLIM Seasonal Trending Limits Applied
The seasonal trend percentage for this item and warehouse was higher than the maximum allowed percentage or lower than the minimum allowed percentage entered in Replenishment Parameters File Maintenance.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Item
IC-VENDRNR Vendor Return Not Received
Alert for vendor return not received is based on a user specified number of days to consider it not returned.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Vendor
IC-VENDCRO Vendor Credit Overdue
Alert for vendor credit overdue is based on a user specified number of days to consider it overdue.
Available Subscription values: Warehouse, Vendor
See Also
Replenishment Parameter Maintenance Procedures
Replenishment Variables Calculations
Inventory Control Replenishment Parameters