Nonstatic Control F/M (JCF990)

The Job Cost Nonstatic Control F/M is a critical component of the Job Cost system. The record contains information that the Job Cost references and updates as it performs various functions.

User entry is rarely, if ever, required in this program.

ÜInfor strongly recommends that Administrators password-protect this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of a local FACTS Affiliate.

This program contains the following fields:

1. Current Period

During initial entry and set up, enter the current Job Cost period (PPYY). The program initially defaults to the current GL period and must be within the current or next General Ledger period. After initial entry, the End-of-Period Update program updates this field.

2. Date Of Last End-Of-Period Update

Enter the date of the last End-of-Period Update in Job Cost. After initial entry, the End-of-Period Update program updates this field. The program initially defaults to 010100.

Fields #3-12 are used by the system to keep track of (register) numbers and are maintained by the system.

3-12. Numbers Used

These numbers keep track of the last register number used. As the system updates a register or as the system assigns a job invoice or number, it increments the last number by one.

During installation, these fields should be set to 0. The system automatically updates these fields during live processing. The program initially defaults to 0.

Do not edit the Numbers Used fields after your system goes live. Changes to these fields during live processing can seriously compromise the integrity of your data.