Production Confirmation (MCE140)

How To

This program allows you to confirm BOM production tickets entered through the Production Entry program. The program also allows users to correct production tickets already confirmed and not updated by the Production Register. The confirmation process involves confirming that a finished BOM item was produced. Once a production ticket is confirmed, it is ready to print on the next Production Register.

The user may access the ticket-by-ticket number or BOM finished item number. If accessing by finished item number, information for entered, printed and confirmed tickets is displayed in summary so the user may select the ticket to confirm.

The summary screen displays the line number, ticket number, status of ticket (E-entered, P-printed or C-confirmed), warehouse produced in, entry date, schedule production date and quantity to be produced.

The ticket number to be confirmed is displayed in a format similar to that used in the Production Entry program. The user enters the number of items produced and the date of actual production and each line-item is displayed.

The user has the option of changing, adding to, or removing line-items from the ticket. The user may also delete the production ticket or stop confirmation at any time. Deleted production ticket numbers may be used again.

EWMS Processing Note

The Production Confirmation (MCE140) program does not allow confirmation of production orders that belong to a Radio Beacon controlled warehouse. That process is done by the upload stock picks and upload stock receipts programs.

User Fields

The following fields are involved in confirming a production ticket:

1. Ticket

Enter the number of the production ticket to be confirmed. If the ticket has not been printed, the user may enter N or YES to confirm it anyway. If N is entered, the program returns to this field for the user to enter another ticket number. Entering YES proceeds with the program. Press F2 to search for production tickets.

2.  Produced Units

Enter the number of units that were actually produced. Press Enter (CR) to default to the number of units entered originally to be produced.

3.  Date

Enter the actual date of production.

4.  Finished Item

When you select a production ticket and enter production information, the system displays the finished item number.

5. Whse

The system displays the warehouse used to produce the finished item (i.e., all component items will came from this warehouse).

6. Entered

The system displays the date the production ticket was entered.

7. Planned

The system displays the planned production date.

8. Units

The system displays the number of units that were scheduled to be produced. On hand, on order, committed quantities and the stocking units of measure are displayed in the line-item section of the screen.

9. Serial/Lot # Entry

If the finished item is not a serial/lot number, this field is skipped. Enter the serial/lot number of the finished item. Enter the quantity (if a serial number, 1 is entered automatically). The undistributed amount displayed must equal zero in order to produce all units. F3 to end serial/lot entry.

This concludes the header portion of the Production Confirmation program. You can select from the following to perform the listed functions:

Change a line-item

Add line-items

Insert line-items

Delete line-items

Stop line-item entry

Access Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in BOM line item browser or for the BOM document line record highlighted in the line item browser.

Done   Ends the Production Confirmation

Stop -    Stops confirmation. Confirmation may be stopped prior to completion. Changes to the production ticket will remain changed, except for the units produced and the serial/lot numbers. These will be reset when the ticket is entered again for confirmation.