1. Access this program by choosing Manufacturing Control-->Formulation--> Finished Item Entry.
2. In the Finished Item field, enter the finished item number. The entry must be a valid finished item number and displays the description(s) and stocking unit of measure. Press F2 to search through finished item already set up through this program. Press F3 to search for items.
3. In the Overhead field, enter the overhead cost of producing this finished item as an amount or a percentage. To enter as a percentage, enter the number and a % before pressing Enter (CR).
4. In the Labor field, enter the labor cost of producing this finished item as an amount or a percentage. To enter as a percentage, enter the number and a % before pressing Enter (CR).
5. In the Formula # field, enter the formula number used to make up this finished item (i.e., formula contains the ingredients). Press F2 to search existing formula numbers.
6. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the formula needed to produce one finished item, i.e., enter the quantity or amount of the formula (lbs., ounces, boxes, etc.) needed to produce one finished item. Press Enter (CR) to default to the standard quantity produced of the formula.
7. This concludes the header portion of the Finished Item Entry program. At this time, the header record is created. After the header record is created, all the header fields except #1 are accessible through the change header routine. Field #1 can only be changed by deleting and reentering the finished item number. Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and incrementing by one for each additional line-item up to 999. In the rare case where 999 line-items have been entered, the program advances to the prompt-selection field and refuses further entries.
8. In the Item Number field, enter the packaging item number to be used to produce the finished item. The entry must be a valid number. Valid entries display the item description and stocking unit of measure. The program assumes a memo line is to be entered and advances to the description field.
9. In the Units field, enter the number of units needed to produce one finished item (1-99999999).
10. In the Memo field, enter the memo to appear on the production ticket (up to 20 characters).
11. This concludes the line-item portion of the Finished Item Entry. The prompt-selection field allows the user to perform the following functions:
12. Save your changes
This concludes the line-item portion of the Finished Item Entry.
You can select from the following to perform the listed functions:
Change a line-item
Add line-items
Insert line-items
Delete line-items
Stops line-item entry
I- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in BOM line item browser.
D- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the BOM document line record highlighted in the line item browser.
Done End the Finished Item Entry