This program allows you to enter production tickets for formulas along with finished item information.
The Production Entry screen consists of two sections. The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where the formula number, quantity to be produced, etc. are entered. The lower portion is called the line-item portion where the finished items, number of units required, etc. are entered.
The user has the option of changing, adding to, removing line-items from or deleting the production ticket at any time. Deleted production ticket numbers may be reused.
A number of additional features are available in the Production Entry program:
A formula search may be performed.
Ingredients for the formula may be displayed.
A finished item search may be performed.
Packaging items for the finished item may be displayed.
Memo lines may be entered.
A memo may be entered for each finished item.
Existing production planning for formulas may be displayed.
Production tickets are available for printing using the Production Ticket Print. Production tickets may later be confirmed and a register may be run to update on-hand quantities.
1. Doc/Formula Number
Enter the formula number or the number of ticket (1-999999). Press Enter (CR) to assign the next number on file. NEXT is displayed as the ticket number until the header portion of the ticket is complete and the actual ticket number is assigned and displayed. Press F2 or
for formula search; press F3 or
for a production ticket number search.
2. Whse
Enter the warehouse to produce the formula (i.e., all ingredients will come from this warehouse). Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.
3. Entered
Enter the date of the production entry. Press Enter (CR) to default the system date.
5. Production
Enter the planned production date, i.e., date production is scheduled to take place. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.
6. Formula: To Produce
Enter the quantity of the formula to produce. Press Enter (CR) to default to the standard production quantity as set in the Formula Entry program. Press F2 to display production planning by date for the formula being entered. If at any time during the Production Entry program this number is modified through the change header routine, the following field is asked: Recalc (recalculate) I-ingredients, F-finished items, B-both or N-neither. Quantities are recalculated as needed.
This concludes the header portion of the production entry program. At this time, a ticket number is automatically assigned and displayed. After the header record is created, all header fields except #1-3 are accessible through the change header routine. Fields #1-3 can only be changed by deleting and reentering the production ticket.
7. Display Ingredients?
Enter No or Yes to indicate whether to display ingredients for the formula. Information displayed includes for each ingredient, the item number and description, units needed, stocking unit of measure and memo. If you selected yes, the system displays ingredients for the formula in the browser in the lower of the screen. If you select No, the system proceeds to the Item field.
You can select from the following:
Change a line-item
Add line-items
Insert line-items
Delete line-items
Stop line-item entry
I- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in BOM line item browser.
D- Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the BOM document line record highlighted in the line item browser. To add or insert an item for the formula.
To add or insert an item for the formula
1. Enter the item number. The entry must be a valid number. Valid entries display the item description and stocking unit of measure. The user may create a memo line by entering M as the item number. The program assumes a memo line is to be entered and advances to the description field.
2. Enter the number of units needed.
Upon completion of the ingredients or packaging items, the committed quantities are updated in the warehouse for the ingredient items.
Upon completion of the header, if planned production was selected, the program automatically displays the required finished items for the formula. The units required of the ingredient items are calculated based on the number of finished units entered in the header. If planned production was not selected, the user must enter the finished item information.
8. Item Number
Enter the finished item number. The entry must be a valid formulation finished item. Valid entries display the item description and stocking unit of measure. The user may create a memo line by entering M as the item number. The program assumes a memo line is to be entered and advances to the description field.
9. Units
Enter the number of units needed of this finished item for the formula being produced.
10. Memo
Enter the memo to appear on the Production Register (up to 20 characters).
11. Recalc quantities for packaging items
If the finished items were changed or modified for the formula, enter Y or N to indicate whether to recalculate quantities for the packaging items of the finished item just entered. If the finished items were not changed or modified for the formula, this field is skipped.
12. Display packaging lines for this item?
Enter N or Y to indicate whether to display packaging items of the finished item. .
You can select from the following:
Stop line-item entry
D-Accesses Note Entry (SME710) for the Formula Entry document line record highlighted in the line item browser.
Ingredients Displays ingredients for the formula. Information displayed includes for each ingredient, the item number and description, units needed, stocking unit of measure and memo.
Packaging Displays packing items for the formula. Information displayed includes for each packing item, the item number and description, units needed, stocking unit of measure and memo.
Done Exits the Production Planning Entry