Production Planning (MCE230)

How To

This program allows you to enter and display formulas and finished items planned for production. You can enter formulas and quantity planned for production and the finished items and the quantity planned for production. The user may also display formulas planned for production in date or formula order.

Once a formula has been entered for planned production, the user may display the requirements of the ingredient items which lists the following: ingredient item number and description, quantity required to produce finished item, stocking unit of measure, current quantities on hand, on order and committed.

The user may change, add or delete any formulas planned for production along with finished items.

Use the following fields to enter formulas and finished items planned for production:

1. Order

Enter whether to display planned production in D-Date or F-Formula order. Press Enter (CR) to default to D-Date order.

2. Beginning

If you selected to display planned production orders in date order, enter the beginning date to display. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.
If you selected to display planned production orders in formula order, enter the formula number to display.

The program displays planned production in either date order (beginning with date entered) or formula order (beginning with formula entered) in the browser in the lower portion of the screen. You can select from the following:

Change a line-item

Add line-items

Insert line-items

Delete line-items

3. Date

Enter the planned production date. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

4. WH

Enter the warehouse. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.

5. Formula

Enter the formula number. The entry must be a valid formula. If the formula is already entered for the same date on a previous line, the user must edit the current entry to change or delete.

6. Units

Enter the quantity planned to produce. Press Enter (CR) to default to the standard production quantity entered for the formula in the Formula Entry program.

You can select from the following:

Stop line-item entry

Access Note Entry (SME710) for the Formula Entry document line record highlighted in the line item browser.

Requirements   Accesses Production Planning Requirements (MCE231), which is sued to review ingredients and required, on hand, on order, and committed quantities for the formula number in the specified warehouse.

Done   Exits the Production Planning Entry