image\0ae310_shg.gif Calendar/Scheduler (OAE310)

How to

Use this program to enter, change or delete an employee’s scheduled events and daily memos. Company notes can also be viewed. This program consists of three screens: daily, weekly and monthly. All entries are entered on the daily screen, except company notes. Enter this information in the Company Calendar Notes F/M program.

The following fields are involved in running the Calendar/Scheduler program:

1. Employee

Enter the valid employee whose events and daily memos are to be scheduled and/or viewed. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the user’s employee code. F2 allows a search.

2. Date

Enter the date when to start scheduling and/or viewing events and daily memos. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the system date.

3.  View

Enter D-to view the daily screen. The daily screen is where you enter appointments, memos and events, which will also appear on the weekly and monthly screens. Weekly and monthly screens are read-only views.

Enter W-to view the weekly screen or M-to view the monthly screen. Enter (CR) defaults to M initially or to whichever screen is presently displayed.

To schedule events:

Select an employee and enter the date of the event. Select the Daily screen.

Enter the time to schedule, or the time the event begins, for example 3.5, 3.50, 3:30 and 3:3. (The daily planner is set up on half-hour increments. It will not let you enter times such as 3:15 or 4:45.)

Enter the name of the scheduled event, up to 70 characters.

When the program asks UNTIL WHAT TIME? enter the time the event is expected to end. Asterisks appear on the planner to show the event’s duration.

To delete a scheduled event, select the beginning time and press the space bar.


M-Memo. Use the memo field to add information about the event or provide reminders. For example, an employee may have been asked to present information at a meeting. It may be helpful to enter a memo reminding them to bring handouts. Memos can be up to 70 characters long. The first nine characters appear on the Weekly and Monthly screens.

Ü To delete a memo, select the memo field and press the space bar.

F1-Back and F2-Forward. Use these two keys to scroll "up" and "down" through the daily planner. Events can be scheduled as early as 12:00 a.m. and as late as 11:30 p.m.

F3-Next day. Use the F3 key to jump to the next day on the calendar. To return to a previous day, press F4 until you get to the Date prompt and select a previous day.

To view Weekly calendars:

Select W after you enter the date in the second prompt. Use this screen to view appointments and events a week at a time. The first nine characters of any events, memos or company notes appear on screen. Asterisks show the duration of each event.


Day-Day to display. To return to the Daily screen, enter just the number corresponding to the day you want to view. The day must appear on screen to be valid. Use this option to edit scheduled events or memos.

F1-Back and F2-Forward. Use these two keys to scroll "up" and "down" through the times. Events can be scheduled as early as 12:00 a.m. and as late as 11:30 p.m.

F3- Next week. Use this key to skip to the next week.

To view Monthly calendars:

Select M after you enter the date in the second prompt. The monthly screen gives you 28 days at a time in a format similar to a calendar, with each numbered square representing a specific date. This is a read-only view. To make changes, return to the Daily screen.

If an *(asterisk) appears in the right-hand corner a square, it indicates the employee has an appointment on that date. If a daily memo was entered, the second line in the square displays the first 10 characters. If there is a corresponding company calendar note, the first 10 characters appear on the third line.


Day-Day to display. To return to the Daily screen, enter just the number corresponding to the day you want to view. The day must appear on screen to be valid. Use this option to edit scheduled events or memos.

Week- Week to display. Use this option to switch to the Weekly screen. Enter the week you want to view — W1/W2/W3/W4.

F1-Back and F2-Forward. Use these keys to scroll backward or forward through the calendar, one week at a time.