Phone Message Entry (OAE210)

How to

Use this program to enter, change or delete phone messages.

Once you enter phone messages, you can view them in the Message Viewing/Disposition program.

The following fields are involved in entering phone messages:

1. For Employee

Enter the code for the employee for whom the message belongs. Press F2 to search for employees. Press F3 to search for messages.

2. Msg #

This field is initially skipped. The program automatically assigns the message number based on information provided by the OA Nonstatic Control F/M. The message number displays in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Press F4 to back into this field and change the message number. Message numbers range from 1 to 9999. This allows you to change or delete an existing phone message.

3. Name

Enter name of person who left the message. This field accepts up to 25 characters.

4. Company

Enter the company this person is with. This field accepts up to 25 characters.

5. Phone

Enter the phone number at which this person can be reached. Include dashes, area code and extension. This field accepts up to 17 characters.

6. Message Details

Select all applicable message option checkboxes in any order: Telephoned, Returned your call,Will call again and/or Came to see you. Press Enter (CR) to initially defaults to Telephoned selected.

7. Requests

Select all applicable request checkboxes in any order: Please call, Please stop by, Urgent. Press Enter (CR) to leave request checkboxes unselected.

8. Message

Enter up to three lines for the message— up to 70 characters per line. Press Enter (CR) to skip over the message section.


Press Save to send the message or Cancel to delete message and exit the program.

After you send the message, the screen clears and the prompt returns to the first field so you can enter additional messages. Press F4 to return to the menu system.