Use the Buyers Control Center (BCC) to analyze items for replenishment.
Upon entering the BCC, buyers can specify a buyer code and warehouse to review the current buying actions.
The Activity pull down will allow the buyer to choose Transfers to review the suggested transfers. Similar to the Procurement process, a prioritized view of the items for transfer will be displayed with the recommended quantities. A transfer for a warehouse can also be assembled and created from within the BCC.
Additionally, vendor returns can also be viewed and processed from the BCC by selecting the Returns option from the Activity pull down. Once selected, the items pending for Vendor return will appear and can either be consolidated or processed as needed for return shipment. Items that are returning to alternate warehouses will available and a Warehouse Transfer can be created from the Source Detail for processing. Procurement is the default activity for the screen.
In the Filters Section, you can further define the browser line display by specifying vendor code, rank and activity type. Use the Rank drop down for stocked and replenished items to filter the display by a specified rank. Select the Include Non-Replenish Items checkbox to include special order or non-replenishment items in the browser lines below. For the Show setting, specify the type of activity to display in the browser: All Activity or Actionable activity to indicate whether to display lines that do not require replenishment so you can initiate on demand purchase orders.
Buyers Control Center Browser Display
After you enter information in the header portion of the screen, replenishment lines for the warehouses and vendors specified are displayed in the browser. Priority categories are determined by a product’s availability in relation to the Order Point, Line Point, Lead Time, and Safety Allowance levels. The table below outlines the product’s priority category based on the availability and the order in which it will appear in the Buyers Control Center. The highest replenishment category within a Source will dictate the order in the view, and the Flags will list all applicable categories assigned to the source at that time.
Category | Flag | Sort | Description |
Special Order | S | 90 | Sales order has flagged item as a special order item |
Backordered | B | 80 | Warehouse level is depleted |
Critical | C | 70 | Below Safety Stock |
Negative PNA | P | 60 | Demand for the item is not met by Purchase Net Available |
Surplus Stock Transfer | T | 40 | Surplus stock suggested to be utilized via warehouse transfer |
Replenish | R | 20 | Normal procurement cycle |
The Priority Categories for Vendor Returns are outline below. Based on the item return requirements, a different priority is enforced to ensure timely processing of the item.
Category | Flag | Sort | Description |
Vendor Replacement | D | 90 | Vendor Replacement |
Vendor Replacement to Warehouse | H | 70 | Vendor Replacement to Warehouse |
Return for Vendor Credit | T | 50 | Available for credit from Vendor via Customer Return |
Return to Warehouse | W | 30 | Return to distribution center / warehouse |
You can double click a line to access the Buyers Control Center Detail screen to view detailed information about the replenishment path; make changes, or create purchase orders, transfers or returns.
When you return to the Buyers Control Center from the Buyers Control Center detail screen, the replenishment lines you accessed display at the top of the browser with the warehouse highlighted.
You can select View>Replenishment Math to see values and detailed calculations for a warehouse/item combination for the replenishment line highlighted in the browser. Replenishment Math information includes calculations for: Order Point, Line Point, Order Quantity and Recommend Order Quantity.
See also
Buyers Control Center Detail Procedures
Buyers Control Center Detail Screen
Buyers Control Center On Order View
Buyers Control Center Open Docs View
Buyers Control Center Package View
Buyers Control Center Restocking View
Buyers Control Center Usage View
Buyers Control Center Transfer History View
Buyers Control Center Surplus Selection View
Buyers Control Center Purchase Order History View