Invoice Receipt Entry (POE310)

How To

Use the Invoice Receipt Entry program to enter invoices for merchandise received from purchase orders. It is available only if the Use Invoice Receipts flag in the PO Static Control F/M is activated.

Invoice Receipt Entry Processing Notes

The information you enter via this program appears on the Invoice Receipt Register. The number of units received, the number of units invoiced, the cost of the item when it was received and the cost of the item on the invoice are all stored in the invoice receipts file. Information on the cost and number of units received is retrieved from the purchase order receipts file and stored in the invoice receipts file. During Invoice Receipt Entry these amounts are compared to locate discrepancies between received and invoiced amounts. Any discrepancies may be reported through the Period Discrepancy Report. This feature provides a method to ensure that invoice amounts match the amounts actually received.

The Invoice Receipt Entry screen consists of two sections. The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where the document number, date, amount, vendor and other general information are entered. The lower portion of the screen is called the line item section where line-item corresponds to a particular received purchase order line-item and contains information (purchase order number, receipt number, item number, cost, etc.) specific to that item.

During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for vendors and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of PO Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Purchase Order Programs topic for details.


Invoice Receipt Entry Header Processing

The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where you create invoice receipt numbers. From the header section of the screen, you can automatically calculate invoice discounts based on the terms code. You can also enter an invoice memo via this program to appear on the accounts payable check.

Refer to the following procedures for more information about PO Receipt Entry header processing:

Add an invoice receipt document

Opening existing documents

Deleting purchase order invoice receipts

Enter invoice receipt header information

Selecting Individual Lines from a PO Receipt for Importing

In the Invoice Receipt Entry program, you can select individual lines from a PO Receipt to import into the invoice instead of having to import the entire receipt. When you select the New PO option, an additional prompt allows you to import of all remaining receipt lines or select individual receipt lines. If you select to import all lines, the open lines will immediately import onto the invoice with no further user interaction. If you choose to select lines, the Receipt Item Selection screen appears and by using the Toggle, None and All buttons can select which lines will return onto the invoice. You can modify the line quantity and cost by double-clicking the line or highlighting it and selecting the Edit. When you close this selection window, all lines that were selected add onto the invoice.

Invoice Receipt Entry Item Processing

In the item section of this program, you must also enter received quantities for each line item. A time-saving feature allows the entire order to be received in one step. (This is not available for serial/lot inventory.) In doing this, the system sets the received quantity equal to the ordered quantity. You can manually change the received quantity, backordered quantity, or cost for any automatic receipt. If items received are serial/lot items, you must enter the serial or lot numbers of the items you are receiving. You can automatically display received purchase order line items.

Refer to the following procedures for more information about Invoice Receipt Entry item processing:

Add a line item

Edit a line item

Delete a line item

Insert a line item or memo

View Line Item Detail

Additional Features


PO Invoice Receiving Menu Options

File  Edit  View  Options  Help

See Also

Invoice Receipt Entry Header Information

Invoice Receipt Items Information

How to enter or change invoice receipt information

Line Detail for Invoice Receipt Entry Screen

Header Detail for Invoice Receipt Entry Screen

How to enter invoice receipt header information

How to enter invoice receipt header line-item information