This program allows FACTS users to enter exceptions to an employee’s pay cycle deduction information for the current payroll.
Employees are paid based on the information created by the Initialize Pay Cycle program. If a pay check should differ from the standard amount, an exception entry must be made. Exceptions to earnings are entered through the Earnings Exception Entry program. Exceptions to deductions are entered through the Deductions Exception Entry (this program). These exceptions override the standard for current payroll only. For example, if a deduction is requested for one pay cycle, an entry must be made in this program.
The user may change taxes and/or other deduction information in this program. An inquiry is provided to show hours, earnings, deductions, and net pay (check amount)
Once all exceptions (earnings and deductions) are entered, the Pre-Check Edit List program should be run to calculate check amounts and provide the user with a tool for reviewing checks prior to actually printing them.
1. Pay Cycle
Enter the pay cycle code of the employee for which an exception is to be made. The entry must be a valid pay cycle. Enter (CR) defaults to the first initialized pay cycle on file.
2. Employee Number
Enter the number of the employee for whom an exception is to be made. The employee entered must have an employee pay cycle data record for the pay cycle entered above. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the first employee on file in this pay cycle.
3. Screen
Enter D-to make a deductions exception, T-to make a tax exception or I-to perform an inquiry. Enter (CR) defaults to D.
The current payroll deductions are displayed beside the standard amounts stored in the employee pay cycle data file. The user has the option to:
T - Goes to the taxes screen
I - Goes to the inquiry screen
# - Changes a line number
GL - Changes the GL posting table
F3 - Brings up next employee in pay cycle
F4 - Enters a new employee to display
Enter T to display the taxes screen where changes can be made.
Enter I to display earnings, deductions and taxes for inquiry purposes.
Enter the line number of the deductions code to be changed. Enter the deductions amount and matching amount (if applicable) as a dollar figure or percent of total earnings. If entering as a percent, enter the amount and the percent (%) symbol and press Enter (CR).
Enter GL to enter the GL posting table to use when posting deductions to GL. Enter a valid 3-character GL deductions posting table. Enter (CR) defaults to the employees standard deductions GL posting table for this pay cycle. F2 allows a search.
Press F3 to display the next employee in the pay cycle.
Press F4 to enter a new employee to display.
The current payroll tax deductions are displayed beside the standard amounts from the employee pay cycle data file. The user has the option to:
D - Goes to the deductions screen
I - Goes to the inquiry screen
# - Changes a line number
F3 - Brings up next employee in pay cycle
F4 - Enters a new employee to display
Enter D to display the deductions screen where changes can be made.
Enter I to display earnings, deductions and taxes for inquiry purposes.
Enter the line number of the tax code to be changed. Enter whether the tax is T-calculated from a table, F-a fixed amount, or A-an amount in addition to the calculated amount from the table. Enter (CR) defaults to the currently displayed value. Enter the tax deductions amount and matching amount (if applicable) either as a dollar figure or a percentage of earnings. If entering as a percent, enter the amount and the percent (%) symbol and press Enter (CR). The amount is only entered when the tax is a fixed amount or additional amount as set in the flag field.
Press F3 to display the next employee in the pay cycle.
Press F4 to enter a new employee to display.
The inquiry screen is provided to display hours, earnings, deductions, and tax deductions amounts in each category. The check amount is also displayed. The user has the option to:
D - Goes to the deductions screen
T - Goes to the taxes screen
F3 - Brings up next employee in pay cycle
F4 - Enters a new employee to display
When exiting the program, the following message is displayed: If changes were made, edit list must be run and recalculated. Enter (CR)-continue. This message warns the user to run the Pre-Check Edit List to update changes made so that the changes are reflected on the checks.