This program allows the user of the FACTS system to enter employees into pay cycles. Users set up general employee information (name, address, social security number, etc.) through the Employee F/M. Users also set up as many pay cycles as needed through the Pay Cycle F/M.
For example, a company may have a weekly pay cycle for hourly employees, a semi-monthly for salaried employees, a monthly (commission) for salespeople and a bonus pay cycle. Employees are then set up in appropriate pay cycles in this program. One employee may be set up in as many pay cycles as needed. For example, if an employee’s compensation plan is salary plus commission, that employee may be set up in the semi-monthly pay cycle and the monthly pay cycle. The same employee might also perhaps be set up in the bonus pay cycle.
Through this program, users enter standard pay cycle information for an employee including standard pay rates, number of hours and deductions’ amounts.
Once employees are set up in the appropriate pay cycles, a payroll may be run for a pay cycle. The information in this file is used to Initialize Pay Cycles (set all earnings to standards).
Before entering employee pay cycle data, pay cycles and employees must be set up in their respective file maintenance programs.
Hours, earnings and deductions category names appear on the screen as they were entered in the Codes Sequence F/M program.
1. Employee
Enter a valid employee number.
2. Pay Cycle
Enter the pay cycle code for this employee (up to 2 characters). The entry must be a valid pay cycle code. F2 allows a search.
3. Department
Enter the employee’s normal department when working in this pay cycle (up to 3 characters). The entry must be a valid department code. Enter (CR) defaults to the department assigned in the Employee F/M. F2 allows a search.
4. Earnings Table
Enter the GL earnings posting table for this employee in this pay cycle. The entry must be a valid earnings GL posting table. This table is used to print the GL distribution of wages in the Check Register if the employee has no earnings % distribution record or % distribution is not used on the system. F2 allows a search.
5. Deductions Table
Enter the GL deductions posting table for this employee. The entry must be a valid deductions GL posting table. This table is used to print the GL distribution of taxes and deductions in the Check Register. F2 allows a search.
6. Gross Pay
Enter the employee’s standard total gross pay for this pay cycle i.e., if entering a weekly pay cycle, enter the gross pay for one week of work (0-999999.99). Enter (CR) initially defaults to 0.
7. Unemployment District
Enter the employee’s tax district code in which to post unemployment.
8-19. Hours & Earnings
All hourly earnings codes entered through the Code Sequence F/M are displayed on the screen. Only earnings codes that are valid for the pay cycle are available for field. For each code, enter the standard number of hours worked by the employee per pay cycle, and the pay rate for that category and the job cost bill rate. For regular hours, Enter (CR) initially defaults to the standard hours set in the pay cycle’s record. If number of hours is entered, then a pay rate must be entered.
If there are no standard hours, as in the case of sick or vacation hours, skip the entry. Compute standard hours for regular pay as follows: (hours per week times 52) / number of pay periods per year. If the number of hours per week is 40 and there are 12 pay periods per year, then this produces standard monthly hours of 173.33 and semi-monthly hours of 86.67.
20-25. Tax Deductions
All tax deductions codes are displayed on the screen. If the tax deductions category is not used in this pay cycle, it is skipped.
Note: Advanced Earned Income Credit was discontinued after 2010. If FIEI is set up in Code Sequence F/M, it needs to either be removed from there or set to “not used” in Pay Cycle F/M or Employee Pay Cycle F/M. If FIEI is set up in Code Sequence F/M and is still set to be used, the Pre-check Edit List will give a message and not run.
For each code, the following fields are available:
Enter whether taxes are calculated from a T-table, are a F-fixed amount or percent, or if an A-additional amount of percent is to be added to the calculated tax table amount. Enter (CR) initially defaults to T.
Enter the tax table code to use. The entry must be a valid tax table entered through the Tax Table F/M and must be appropriate for the tax category (i.e., a federal tax code must be entered for the federal tax category). F2 allows a search.
Enter the number of exemptions claimed by the employee (up to 99). Enter (CR) initially defaults to 0.
Enter whether to withhold the tax on A-all payrolls, O-odd payrolls, E-even payrolls, 1-5-1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5-th payroll of the month, or N-not used. Enter (CR) initially defaults to A.
If the tax is calculated from a table or the frequency to withhold is not used, then this field is skipped. An amount is only entered when the tax is a fixed amount or additional amount as set in the tax field. Enter amount in dollars (0-999999.99) or as a percent (0-99.99). When entering a percent, enter the amount and the percent (%) symbol and press Enter (CR). Enter (CR) initially defaults to 0.
If the tax is calculated from a table, the frequency to withhold is not used or if the employer does not match the deduction (as set through the Deductions Code F/M), this field is skipped. Enter the employer matching amount in dollars (0-999999.99) or percent (0-99.99). When entering a percent, enter the amount and the percent (%) symbol and press Enter (CR).
26-35. Other deductions.
All other deductions entered through the Codes Sequence F/M are displayed. Only deductions codes that are valid for this pay cycle are available for field. For each code, the following flag fields are available:
Enter whether to withhold the deduction on A-all payrolls, O-odd payrolls, E-even payrolls, 1-5-1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th payroll of the month, or N-not used. Enter (CR) initially defaults to the frequency set in the Pay Cycle F/M for the pay cycle.
If the frequency to withhold is not used, then this field is skipped. Enter an amount in dollars (0-999999.99) or as a percent (0-99.99). When entering a percent, enter the amount and the percent (%) symbol and press Enter (CR). Enter (CR) initially defaults to 0.
If the frequency to withhold is not used or the employer does not match the deduction, then this field is skipped. Enter the employee matching amount in dollars (0-999999.99) or as a percent (0-99.99). When entering a percent, enter the amount and the percent (%) symbol and press Enter (CR). Enter (CR) initially defaults to 0.