Employee History F/M (PRF915)

This program allows the user of the FACTS system to create and maintain records in the employee history file.

Hour, earning and deduction historical information is stored in each of three time periods - period-to-date, quarter-to-date and year-to-date. It is filed by employee number, state and local designations.

The user may enter information through this program during the initial set up of the payroll system. Thereafter, it is maintained by the Check Register update program.

Information from this file is used by the Period Earnings Report, Period Deductions Report, 941 Print, W-2 Print, and the Employee Inquiry programs.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


Use the following fields to create an employee history record:

1. Time Period

Enter whether the record is P-period-to-date, Q-quarter-to-date or Y-year-to-date information. CR initially defaults to P.

2. Employee

Enter the employee number for this record.

3. State Designation

Enter the state code (2 characters). Only valid state tax district codes entered through the Tax District Information F/M are accepted. CR skips this entry meaning no state designation is used. F2 allows a search. F3 defaults to the first record on file for the time period and employee displayed.

4. Local Designation

Enter the local code (2 characters). Only valid local tax district codes entered through the Tax District Information F/M are accepted. CR skips this entry meaning no local designation is used. F2 allows a search. F3 defaults to the first record on file for the time period, employee and state designation displayed.

At this point, if a record for the time period, employee, state and local codes just entered is on file, all screen information is displayed. If a record is not found, the following fields are available.

5-16. Hours And Earnings

All earnings codes entered through the Code Sequence F/M are displayed. For each hourly earnings code, enter the number of hours worked by this employee during the selected time period (+/-9999.99). CR initially defaults to 0. Next enter the earnings (dollars paid to this employee) during the selected time period (+/-999999.99). CR initially defaults to 0. For each hourly code, there must be hours entered if earnings are entered and there must be earnings entered if hours are entered.

For nonhourly earnings codes, the hours field is skipped.

17-32. Deductions And Matching

All deductions codes entered through the Code Sequence F/M program are displayed. In addition, the FICA, federal, state and local tax codes plus any miscellaneous tax codes (entered through the Code Sequence F/M program) are displayed. For each tax code and deduction, enter the amount withheld from this employee during the selected time period (+/-999999.99). Note that the entry for FICA is split into Social Security and Medicare amounts; you are prompted to enter each of these amounts separately. CR initially defaults to 0.

For each deduction with an employer matching amount, enter the matching amount (+/-999999.99). CR initially defaults to 0.

33. Soc Sec

The Social Security tax deduction value.

Select to edit a FICA line to access this field.

34. (Soc Sec) Match

The Social Security Employer Match value.

Select to edit a FICA line to access this field.

35. Medicare

The Medicare tax deduction value.

Select to edit a FICA line to access this field.

36. (Medicare) Match

The Medicare Employer Match value..

Select to edit a FICA line to access this field.