This program allows you to review historical sales information for items by warehouse and shipment type so that you can track sales from inventory vs. sales direct from the vendor. Information provided includes sales, cost of goods sold, gross margin and gross margin percentage and can be viewed in Accumulated, Comparison, Multiperiod and Graph format.
1. Item
Enter the item number. Press F2 to search for items.
2. Warehouse
Press Enter (CR) to default to SAME, meaning the default warehouse entered into the item’s master file in the Item F/M.
3. Sale Type
The shipment type defaults to W-Warehouse when you press Enter (CR). To review direct sales items, enter D-Direct Ship.
4. View
Enter the display code for the inquiry view. You can select from: Accumulated, Comparison, Multiperiod.
The Accumulated format displays the sales dollars, cost, gross margin ($), gross margin (%) and, in item and item class inquiries, units for the current period, previous period, year-to-date, prior year-to-date, prior year, past 6 periods and past 12 periods. When making comparison between year-to-date figures and prior year figures, keep in mind that year-to-date figures include the current period; however, prior-year-to-date figures exclude the current period 12 months ago. As a result, more accurate comparison can be made at the beginning of each period.
The Comparison format provides a historical comparison of the sales dollars, cost, gross margin ($), gross margin (%) and, in item and item class inquiries, units. This format requires you to enter a beginning and ending period as well as the number of past periods to compare. If you select the comparison format, the system displays the dates of the last sale to the customer and the last sale to ship-to location. Historical comparison data will display for:
The Multiperiod format displays the sales dollars, cost, gross margin ($), gross margin (%) and units (for item and item class inquiries only) for the current period and the previous periods you specify.
For the Multiperiod view, the following fields are available:
5. Beginning Pd
Enter the beginning period for the multiperiod view.
6.. # Pds
Enter the number of periods to view.
7. Comparison
Select the Comparison checkbox to indicate you want compare mutli- period items by warehouse and shipment type information
8. # Pds Back
Enter the number periods back for the mutiperiod comparison range.
9. Show Chart
Select the Show Chart checkbox to indicate you want to view item\ by warehouse and shipment type sales information graphically.
When you select this checkbox, FACTS enables the Chart Contents section of the screen, where you can select the types of customer information for the graph. The Chart displays sales, cost, gross margin or units (in item and item class information) in a graphical format based on your selections below. The chart also allows comparison graphing of sales vs. gross margin or any other combination of sales, cost, and gross margin.
10. Sales
Select the Sales checkbox to include sales information for the chart of the specified item by warehouse and shipment type.
11. Cost
Select the Cost checkbox to include cost information for the chart of the specified item by warehouse and shipment type.
12. GM
Select the GM checkbox to include gross margin information for the chart of the specified item by warehouse and shipment type.
13. GM%
Select the GM% checkbox to include gross margin information for the chart of the specified item by warehouse and shipment type.
14 Units
Select the Units checkbox to include units information for the chart of the items by warehouse and shipment type selected.
When you have finished viewing historical sales information for the item warehouse by warehouse selected, press the Done button to return to the Item field. Enter the item number for the inquiry or press Done to exit the screen.